Waiting :-(

It’s 2 weeks since I had my post op results (grade 2 IDC, no node involvement, er+) and I still don’t even have an appointment with the oncology team. I can’t make any plans for work or family because I don’t know if I’m going to have chemo or not - no sense of any timescales for anything. I was told at the post op appointment that there was a 2 week wait for oncology - fair enough- but the rate this is going it will be more like 4. My life is on hold and I am bloody miserable. I’ve chased the appointment but all they’ve said is that I will hear soon. Sorry for the rant but the first stage of this whole process was so fast and well organised I now feel like I’ve fallen through the cracks into a big black hole of nothing. I know there’s little that anyone on here can do to help or advise me but needed to have a moan, and I’m usually such a positive person. :frowning:

Hi jackiebee

Welcome to our forums. I am sure you will recieve lots of support from our fantastic community but in the meantime if you would like to talk to someone, please do call our freephone helpline 0808 800 6000 Monday to Friday 9-5 and Saturday;s 10-2.

Best wishes


Hi Jackiebee
I was in the same boat as you - I had my mastectomy in November and was then told the oncologist appointment would happen in a couple of weeks. By end of January I hadn’t heard a thing and ended up chasing them up - to be told the letter from the breast surgeon to the oncologist had gone astray! I was borderline whether I needed chemo or not but after the oncologist said at the end of our appointment that “If I was you, I would have it” I made the decision to go ahead with it. I started the chemo in February of last year and am now well over it and back at work and normal life. I know what you mean though - you can’t make any plans or anything until you know whats going on.
Anyway, I hope you hear soon and if you need chemo - all the very best - its a (fairly!) distant memory for me now!
Take care.
Jan x

Thank you Jan. I know my moaning about waiting is trivial compared to things that others on here are going through. I’m sure I will be moaning a lot more if I do need the chemotherapy… Glad to hear its all fading into memory for you, but sorry to hear you had to wait so long for it in the first place!

This site specialises in embracing moaning!!! Everyone helps and supports each other - whatever you are going through! And once I had seen the oncologist my chemo started quite soon after - still doesn’t help the feeling of being in limbo though! Lets hope you get your phone call or letter soon!

Hi Jackiebee
i think the ‘waiting’ is a common moan on these forums! You are not alone and it’s good to get it out of your system. I saw the onc a week after my mx results but soo not start chemo till June 13th. Four weeks after that appointment! So I’m back next to you on the bench!
Hope you hear soon and have a plan in place so you can I turn plan :slight_smile:


I had mx on December12th 2012 had appointment with oncologist on 10th January, but sidn’t start chemo until 5th February. They first have to make sure your surgery site has fully healed. Perhaps a chat with your BCN will help you find out more info on appointment with Onc.
Hope you get your appointment soon.
PG xx

Hallelujah! My BCN just rang to confirm I have an appointment- not until the 3rd June, but at least I know when things might be moving now… Thanks everyone for letting me have space to moan and for understanding how I feel, I don’t think anyone not going throu/ who has not gone through this understands how hard it is just hanging around!!!

You’re welcome Jackie - I’m so pleased your date is through now xx