
I really can’t believe how awful the waiting is. I was recalled from a routine mammogram in Oct 2010, had a biopsy and got the results, calsifications, the day before my sons wedding, what a wait that was!
Clear monogram in Sept 2012 but noticed changes recently. Huge lump, inverted nipple which all seemed to happen quite quickly. I am fifty five. Appointment Wed 10th, told by consultant he is concerned and thinks its cancer. The lump I can feel is huge yet they say one of my several lumps is only eight mm. So what is the rest of it! Just had the week from hell waiting for biopsy results. We are on holiday on Northern Scotland so 600 mile round trip to get the results. Have spent the week reading on the forum and have been blown away by the support that is out there, has taken me until now to post my own. It’s been a roller costa of a week and feel so scared but have got good vibes from everyone on this forum. X

Dear Suewoo,

Welcome to the forum.  As you say waiting for results is a dreadful time.  I’m glad you’ve already found the forum helpful and I’m sure other members will soon be along to offer some support.

You might also find it helpful to talk things over with someone on our helpline.  They can offer practical information and emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000.

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Suewoo

sorry to hear you are stuck in the waiting room. Waiting is the worst.  From reading other posts some people have bc and cysts in the same place. 


Once you have your results you will know what you are dealing with but the waiting is pure torture. 


When I was called back I asked the nurse to show me on the mammogram what they were looking for and she said a lump but also calcification which she said can be nothing but can also signal something worse.


it looked like a couple of pin pricks and I was so inpressed they noticed it.


if they told you they are concerened and think it’s cancer then it probably is, but until you know all the details of your type, stage and grade then you are no further forward.  When you get your results then you’ll know and you can start planning. I think the stress, worry and fear have been the worst part of my cancer journey so far. 

It is a word that fills the heart with terror but bc is very treatable, and you will always have us lot to help out.


good luck with your results.



Hi Suewoo

Along with the support you have here the following BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ information may be helpful as you will find explanations of the different terms and surgery you have been offered:


Our helpliners will be only to happy to,talk your queries and concerns over so please feel free to call

Take care
Lucy BCC

Sorry you got the bad results, 


now you know, it takes time to get your head round everything and I think it’s the most difficult time. 


You will get through this but it’s a long hard journey.  We are all here for you. You will find your way and just post if you have questions or just want to vent. 


Take care


Hi suewoo … sorry to hear your results … i had mine yesterday also bad :frowning: I only have one lump, but do also have lymph node involvment & like you, it’s that that i can’t cope with. I have to wait for an MRI & CT scan now … is it the same for you?

I’m only 40 with two very young children, but if you want to chat please feel free to message me xxxx


Hi Sue. I hope that you are finding comfort and strength as days go by. After a series of biopsies and lumpectomy, my diagnosis came back as ADH and PASH . No cancer yet so I am on hormone therapy hoping to ward it off. I visit this site daily… SEVERAL times a day and will as long as I able. Honestly, it’s what got me through the waiting and waiting and it’s what is getting me through horrible side effects and a wandering mind. I will tell you this though … A very dear friend and coworker was diagnosed with BC about 5 years ago. She had all but 3 lymph nodes test positive. She was and REMAINS a strong and positive fighter. She is now cancer free and is on the go daily. She walks, bikes, swims, hikes and I think her positive attitude and determination was such a help! Keep the faith and stay determined! If lymph node involvement makes you fight harder you can do it!!! I can’t speak for your personal life but you have a cheer squad for you here. Best of luck to you!!! Take care