
I don’t usually post to these forums but I’m finding my journey quite difficult at the moment. I am 23 and found a lump on my breast last month, having been to my GP And then being referred to hospital I am now waiting for my tests which are this coming Wednesday. The waiting feels awful, i try and put it to the back of my mind and until today that worked, now I feel stuck in limbo. I have a great support network but somehow I feel I can’t get too upset when I don’t know what it is plus I feel if I get too upset my family/friends might too. My mum was cleared of breast cancer in September 2016 which is positive but cancer runs in my family and I lost my dad to prostate cancer when I was 12. I just feel sick and unsure of how to deal with this feeling, I know it could be nothing but if it’s something I don’t know where to find the strength to deal with it. Has anyone got any good suggestions on how to keep positive whilst I’m waiting? X



Welcome although this is one place none of us want to be, but it is the loveliest of forums, with loads of wonderful ladies who help and support each other.  I remember when I first posted back in November last year I held off for several weeks from doing it as I never post on forums, but this one has been a god send to me.


You are obviously very worried because of your experience already with cancer in your family. One thing especially at your age, is that it is very unlikely to be cancer, there are a lot of breast conditions which are benign.  It is very good that your GP is referring you to have this checked out so that you can get peace of mind.


This time of waiting is the pits, and we can all relate to that, but what you have to keep in mind there are a lot of breast conditions which are NOT cancer.  Try and do stuff to keep your mind occupied.  You will have the strength to get through the next few days, especially as you have your wonderful mum beside you.


Just keep coming on here as you need and there will always be someone who can help and support you


Sending you a hug


Helena xxx

hi bawhite,
Inevitably anxiety does go with the territory & the mind does go into overdrive when waiting for the appointment, but you have totally done the right thing by getting it seen to.
So sorry to hear about your dad & he will be on your mind even more so whilst waiting, but at your age, of all the things it can be, bc would be Rare & the Least likely thing it could be.
You are going to be anxious, that’s completely normal, so it can be helpful to carry on as normal & distract yourself as much as possible. Also, it can help to remember that worrying cannot change anything.
It’s also good to avoid googling your symptoms, as all this does is cause a load of unnecessary anxiety.
The normal outcome is that it turns out to be nothing serious.
do let us know how you get on.
ann x