
I was diagnosed with primary invasive BC on Friday. I have been told that my lymph node biopsy was clear but the lump is growing fast, grade 3.

I am so scared. I’m due back this Friday when a course of treatment will have been decided on but it would seem that I’m to have a lumpectomy, radio and possibly hormone treatment. 

Initially I was relieved when they told me but having to wait again, the tears and anxiety are my constant companion. I’m frightened they’ve made a mistake and that they’ll find something else this week.

So many ladies have said that they think every niggle is something else, and that’s where I am. Everytime i feel this blasted lump I feels bigger and when it aches I think it’s spreading. 

It’s the ‘invasive’ bit. I’m glad I won’t have to have chemo but my head is telling me that I should be having it to stop it spreading.

Can’t wait until this thing is out of me…

Hi Kath 

I was Diagnosed with IBC grade 2 last May.

I was also told I had mixed DCIS with invasive.

The invasive can sound scary, however my oncologist said it was invasive due to the tumour coming out of the nipple, so it wasn’t highly invasive.

Chemo reduced it, Surgery removed it completely, I had clean margins, with some lymph node involvement, which has now been removed. Radiotherapy has made sure I stay cancer free. 

It is a worrying time, however once you have your treatment plan, you will feel better. 

We are here for you. 

Take care