Want to get a mortgage - is it possible?


Just wondering if anybody have any experience on this.

I have secondary BC but is currently in a stable condition, having finished chemo and Rads a few months ago. Life is looking a lot more positive and thinking / planning return to a more “normal” life. Have been off sick with full paid but is now planing to return to work, either full time or part time depends on how much I can manage.

I’m also thinking about buying my own little flat (renting at the mo and had enough of sharing kitchen / bathroom etc…). Not quite sure I can afford one without a mortgage though (SLIGHTLY more expensive than I can afford). I’ve read about those insurance policies, but don’t think they apply to my situation. - No prob if I can manage full time work, but what if I can only manage part time?

How likely is it to get a small mortgage when I have secondary BC? Or should I not bother at all because I’ve got enough to worry about? However, all those viewing at different flats in the past few weeks have made me feel a lot better because that’s what normal people at my age do:-)

Thanks in advance.


I can’t help but at my local cancer centre they do citizens advice sessions which include financial help.
Wendy x

I’m waiting for house prices to drop some more before I start looking!

Hi there

I’m in same position as you - bone mets but stable for now. I was worried about the same thing although i was moving house and getting a new mortgage rather than starting from scratch and also it helped it was a joint one with my partner. I was worried they were going to ask medical questions but that didn’t really come into it- it’s more to do with just your income so if you are working you should be OK. Problem is with the insurance side of things. we unfortunately never took out health insurance or mortgage cover before and now i have been diagnosed there’s prob no chance of getting it. Have made sure my partner has cover now though as if he were to get ill at a point when i wasn’t able to work we would be scuppered! Always though it was something that happened to other people and had better things to spend my money on so wish i could turn back the clock now - might have got some money to pay off the mortgage!!! Good luck with the return to work and the flat hunt.



Thanks for sharing that info. It really helps. I guess all they care about is we pay our mortgage rather than where we get the money from or how we get it! I do have medical insurance from work, but it doesn’t include mortgage:-(

Being single as well, I only got my own income. I’m not quite sure to wait until the house prices drop (as margaret said). I might end up working part time by that time, which is going to make it more difficult to get a mortgage. But on the other hand, I don’t want to take a mortgage that I can’t afford. - Guess I can delay it till I returned to work and see how much I can manage rather than being swayed by those commission fee chasers!

Wendy, thanks for the idea about citizen advice. I’ll have a look on the website see whether they cover mortgage.

Thanks xx