I had a lump in my left breast but doctors couldnt find wheter it will ba cancerious or not they recommended me for a biopsy last 8 montha ago but i couldnt go fr that due somw.issue bt i tried fro seocnd opinion and that dr ask me go for right vreast ultrasound where as i found lump in left breast n right now i have pain itching in breast armpit even i can’t move my left hand easily will u plzz help me in this to make me confirm what i have a problem
Hi Fariy
I suggest you go to your GP as soon as possible and explain what symptoms you’re having… they will be able to examine you and refer you to the breast clinic if they have to!
We wouldn’t be able to confirm if you have a problem unfortunately
Thinking of you x
Hello Fairy
thinking of you . Please go back to the doctor they can help you
sending Hugs