Was ct scan results quick when mets found? Panicking !!?

Hi all just wondering about ct results as I am panicking about mine !! Those of you with secondaries found on a ct scan did you get results quick ? I spoke to consultants secretary yestoday and she said it had been reported on but had not been signed off by radiologist yet . But said she would show the results to the doctor and he would drop me a line prob end of next week . Then asked did I have an appointment to come. Back? NO. I don’t but now have another long wait. Experience s please !!! Rozita x

Hi Rozita
Whilst you await replies our helpline is open 10-2 today if you feel it would help to call and talk things over on 0808 800 6000
Take care

Hi I should make an appointment with your consultant, they have not given me results over the phone. I think it has been a week to two before I got results.

Fingers crossed for you


Hi Hun


I went for my CT radiology planning meeting… they did the CT on Tuesday and I got a call on Friday to say something had been found… so stopped all radiotheraphy and hormone treatment till result through. I had biopsy done 3 days later and was called in to see onc 2 days after that with the news :frowning:

Results can usually take a couple of weeks if you are an out-patient.  Sadly there as protocols that have to be followed so even if they have results it has to be signed off by the right person.  Not much help when you are on the patient side.  Make an appointment to see your onc asap and make sure you have the results by the end of next week.  Then if there is nothing showing you can cancel the onc appt. 

I don’t think results can and should be given over the phone anyway ,to be fair it could be anyone ringing up x

Thank you all so much for your experiences and advice. I live in york and I am 3 n half years past diagnosis so I don’t have an oncologist now I was double negative so have not had any further treatment just have gp but have had lots of problems with cough lasting 16 months and Even though mild lymphodemia in arm I have been having pain and a few weeks ago numbness in leg But have been seeing a Consultant for cough so he finally sent me for a ct he was reluctant because in November I was. Rushed into hospital with extreme chest pain trouble breathing n low oxygen in blood they thought it might be blood clot so did a ct for that and was all clear apart from slight atalectis in both lungs so he was very reluctant to do another until now but I am exhausted all the time and don’t feel ok so just need answers and hate the wait x rozita. Sorry for the essay !!!

Hi all still waiting its 3 weeks tmorro I went to go yestoday for smear and explained I was anxious so she rang consultant and he said it was still not signed off so was unable to comment. What could cause this delay ? Thanks rozita x