Washing armpits after WLE

Hi everyone, I have just had a WLE and sentinal node removal for biopsy. How does anyone out there wash their affected armpit? Is it ok to wash with soap 5 days after surgery?

Hi jonazza,
I was advised to use Simple Soap which I did throughout all of my treatment,although any wound areas were kept dry,If you are worried your bc nurse should be able to advise.
Good Luck and I hope you are feeling well following surgery
Best Wishes Jackie x

Hi jonazza,
When I had my WLE 5 years ago I used unscented wet-wipes for a while, before using pure soap.
Hope you are recovering well.

Karen x


I’m glad you asked this as i’m in the same boat has had my op on the 20th may and never thought about asking these type of questions.
I have just used water and very mild soap, for deoderant i didn’t know what to do so rolled some onto my hand and then wiped that on but i don’t think i’m suppose to do that :frowning:
