watering eyes

i had my last tax almost 3 weeks ago, for the last week my eyes have been tearing almost constantly, blurring my vision and drying my skin around my eyes. has anyone else has this?
also, my flesh seems puffy, especially feet and ankles, fluid i guess.
got to say i am hugely disappointed to get more SE’S after chemo has finished!!! or is it the herceptin??? horror, plenty of that to go yet.

Hi Sparkleybelle

I had the watery eyes for at least a month after my last tax. They do seem to be settling a bit now, but the continuing lack of eyelashes doesn’t help!

It does take time to get out of your system!


Unfortunately I suffered from watery eyes and a runny nose for the entire year that I was on Herceptin. Stopped as soon as the year was done.


I had watery eyes for quite a while post tax, so much so my friends and family got upset because they thought i was constantly crying!
Got so bad that in the end had to get eye drops from gp.No eyelashes does not help either I agree.
take care and hopefully will sort itself soon.


Had quite a few bouts of watery eyes from the Tax treatment. I found that Optimist stuff from the chemists helped quite a bit, so that’s worth a try (ask chemist for their opinion?)
Ann x

i got watery eyes on E-CMF this is caused by dryness and you may need some eyedrops to help reduce the irritation… i continued to have the problem ven though last chemo was in nov 09.
tamox can also contribute.

ask your GP for hypromellose or lacrilube to help replace the lost moisture.


Hi Ladies I finished chemo last October and eyes were still watering until about January, had drops from GP to put in but didn’t really feel they helped. Not sure if they just stop watering or if it’s because your eyelashes grow back!


I do know what you mean though, you finish and think you’ll be fine-ish by week three and you’re not… at least, I wasn’t. I too also got the runny eyes and the fluid on feet/ankles… keep an eye on it and go to GP if it doesn’t improve (I was told) I’m now two months post tax (nearly) and the eyes are mostly fine now, and the swelling’s gone, and I’m getting stronger… so don’t despair! Last rads today… and I keep being told to be gentle with myself, so I pass that on…

many thanks for your kind words, yes, i know exactly what you mean.
i suppose i was wanting to run before i could walk etc, i expected to feel better straight away and when it didn’t happen i was very disappointed, clearly i need to give myself more time,
very glad to hear you are doing well and your rads are over. you doing herceptin?


hi all,
4 weeks past last tax, doing herceptin 3 week cycles.
watery eyes seem to be improving but i have had a weeks worth of diurectics to shift fluid.
also, dare i whisper, a grey fuzz might just be appearing on my poor bald head… !!!

hugs to all

Hiya Peachy!
It really is wonderful, returning hair, isn’t it?

oh my lord yes,
its such a relief to see something positive for a change.
i will never moan about a ‘bad hair day’ ever ever ever ever …



I had watery eyes and blurring too - just always had tissues ready. the annoying thing is people think you’re crying. I had a bout in tescos and my eyes were streaming, I wasn’t feeling well either and had my headscarf on, I got loads of concerned looks, I was so embarrased (LOL) - woman at self checkout tills came over and said “you alright love?” and I said “I’m not crying it’s watery eyes” ;-D