We are aware of spam messages

Hi everyone

We’re aware of several spam messages that have been posted over the past few days.

Our team is working on a solution to block these accounts from being created, removing any content that gets posted, and banning these accounts immediately.

If you see spam messages before we do, you can help us by reporting it using the steps in this post.

Best wishes


Hello, I’ve flagged some, but can’t keep up. There is definitely some spam attack going on sadly :confused:


Thanks for letting us know that it’s being dealt with. We bare our hearts and souls on here I’m sure these scammers aren’t interested in reading our posts but it makes me uncomfortable that people with no experience of BC either as a patient or medical professional can just get access . I also flagged one recently

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Hi @edp and @JoanneN, thank you for flagging posts. The whole team pitched in this morning and we deleted hundreds of spam messages.

Our technical team is aware of what is going on and we’re considering solutions.


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I’ve been flagging as many as I can but they’re relentless! Boils my blood a bit that people are targetting a site designed to help and support people going through the worst time of their lives :rage::rage::rage:



We’ve updated the forum settings so that brand new users are not able to create new topics. This is where all the spam is coming from – new topics are being created in the Ask our Nurses category and across all other categories on the forum. We’re hoping this measure stops the bots from posting.

Genuine users who the system detects as having browsed the forum will be able to create new topics. So we should be putting up a barrier for the bots, but not preventing real users from creating Ask our Nurses topics.

We’re also in touch with our digital agencies to understand how bots managed to create accounts, and to prevent this from happening again.

Thank you for your patience while we work on this.

Bernard and the team


Us cc’s have been flagging the spam up like crazy too :+1: