Met my oncologist today, and the plan is AC+T, 4xAC, then 12 weeks of Taxol, so 6 months of treatment.
I have also signed up for a Herceptin trial: although I am categorised as HER-2 -ve, my actual status is +1, so HER-2 low to be precise.
The study is to see if HER-2 “low” patients will have better outcome over 10 years with the addition of Herceptin to their chemo regime.
Of course it is a randomised study, and I may not end up having Herceptin if I’m in the control group!
I wondered if anyone else is in this study, although I think it is just in Canada and the US.
I feel so much better now we are getting this show on the road, and even if I don’t get the drug, it is a relief that I am going to be followed closely for ten years, by which time the chance of recurremce, I understand, is negligible!