We looked at feedback from the forum survey

Hi everyone, we recently ran a survey of the forum. Thank you if you filled it in.

There were many lovely comments that remind us what an important space the forum is for people to give and receive support.

Some users left feedback re what they thought could be improved, which is always useful. We’re going through comments received to see what we can change, and to provide context on issues that we can’t change.

Here are some points that we have already shared with our team of Community Champions:

1. Some users would like to get notifications from their threads (as this is not always happening)

The default setting is that if there’s an update to your thread and you’re online, you won’t get an email. To edit go to the icon at the top right, select Profile, then Preferences. Under Emails, there’s an option ‘Email me when I am quoted, replied to, my @username is mentioned, or when there is new activity in my watched categories, tags or topics’

If you always want to receive an email, even if you’re online, select Always, instead of Only when away.

You can find screenshots in this link, under the section How do I make sure I know when someone replies to me, or uses my username?

2. Some users would prefer to read more recent posts, than the suggested posts provided

To see the most recent posts, select the Latest option, or follow this link which will take you straight there.

3. Some users would like to see their original message when replying to messages

We are asking the hosting company whether this is something other clients experience, and whether there’s a way to fix it

4. Some users would like to use ‘hugs’ instead of ‘likes’.

We are speaking to the developers to see if it is possible to make more reactions available.

5. Some users would like a hard copy guidance sent out to those who have registered for the forum.

This is something we don’t feel we should do. The platform requires us to update versions from time to time, and while taking new screenshots is fairly straightforward, we fear that any hard copies we send to people would soon become obsolete.

In case of feature changes, we will update screenshots and guidance in the Welcome and how to use the forum board.

6. Some users would like to see the nurses not locking threads so they can reply or send a message of thanks.

I asked our nurses about this. They do not have capacity to keep up with open threads. Leaving threads open would mean people could reply to a thread that was posted a while back, and this may create confusion.

People are welcome to create new posts if they have follow-up questions.

7. Some users would like to see a clearer statement that the secondary breast cancer messaging board is confidential, and messages are only shared with the group.

I added a pinned topic here. You won’t be able to see the link if you aren’t a member. This is what it says:

This private board is for people who have received a diagnosis of secondary breast cancer. It is private to maintain the confidentiality of conversations that take place here, and to allow people to express themselves freely.

People who are not in this board cannot see the conversations posted here. We ask that what is shared in this board stays in this board.

There are other public discussions for conversations around secondary breast cancer if people wish to post there.

If people wish to leave the secondary private board, they can do so at any time. They can request to rejoin if they change their mind.

Let us know if you have any questions on the above.



Thanks Bernard for posting for Firum members :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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