Website for husbands

My wife died in January 2009, after nearly five years of good life from the time of diagnosis of incurable breast cancer. I have now written a website at to pass on to other men what I learned during the journey. I hope the site will be helpful, and that other people may have additional ideas and thoughts that I should add. Contact me at <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%63%61%6e%63%65%72%40%63%6c%65%61%66%6f%72%64%2e%63%6f%2e%75%6b%22%3e%63%61%6e%63%65%72%40%63%6c%65%61%66%6f%72%64%2e%63%6f%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script>

I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

Your website is interesting and will, I am sure, be of great use for many people.

Best wishes,


Hi Cleaford,

Im so sorry to hear that you have lost your wife, I think its extremely admirable of you to want to share your own experiences with other partners / husbands - and I hope that many people benefit from it.

Take good care


hi cleaford

your website is very good. and i trust that a lot of people will find it useful. your wife would be very proud of you, and you will miss her terribly, but you can rest assured that she would have found the way you dealt with things, very encouraging, and supportive. which is all we really need. i hope through your website you make lots of new friendships and find reaching out to others in your time of distress, helpful in your healing. god bless take care x

What a great idea having a site for husbands or partners of the disease. Cleaford, i have read your site and find it very interesting. I will try and get my OH to have read sometime as i think it would help him alot to understand bc.There was definitely a need for a male voice in this area- a voice outside the disease.
Rach xx

Hi Angus

I am sorry to hear that you have lost your wife to this horrible disease.

Thank you for starting up this website - I am sure that this will help many of the partners of cancer sufferers today…

Keep smilin
J x

I have been invited to talk about the website, and the ideas behind it, on Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 on Monday 18th May.

Angus, your site looks great! Just told my Husband and he is going to have a look later! Sorry to hear you lost your wife to this disease, I’m sure she would be very proud of wnhat you are doing.
Love Debs xxxx

Just had a very good read of your website and what a wonderful tribute to your wife. I was really moved by your son on the video at Abigails funeral.
I am so sorry that you no longer have your wife by your side (visibly) but I know she will always walk with you.
Love Debsxxx

I have now been rebooked to talk about the website, and the ideas behind it, on Woman’s Hour on Radio 4 on the morning of 26th May.
I am expecting to be doing similar on BBC Southern Counties Radio in the 9 a.m. programme on Thursday 28th May.

If you missed the Woman’s Hour item today you can listen here -

I shall be on holiday from 6 to 18 July, but will endeavour to monitor for emails from the website for husbands at if anyone wants to make contact during that time.


I shall be on holiday until 31st August, but will endeavour to monitor for emails from the website for husbands at if anyone wants to make contact during that time. I will not be available for the on-line chat service.

The website for husbands at continues to be accessed daily.

We have just added a new link to a supplier specialising in lingerie for ladies who have undergone cancer related breast surgery and reconstruction. We realise that getting suitable lingerie and breastforms is important for self esteem and confidence.