wedding day!

I just wanted to tell people about something lovely happening in my life for a change. My daughter is getting married in 2 weeks and I am now getting very excited! I am hoping it will be a glorious day with a slight breeze ( I’ve made 40 flags for outside the venue like those at Glastonbury!)

Also made the dresses for the flower girls (well 1 and the other is nearly finished!) And have had a lot of input in the decision making at the invitation of my daughter which has been great too.

I will be 50 the following week and will get the chance to meet up with my bros and sis’s on the wed wk end and a meal is arranged I think!

It is so good to feel so ‘normal’ for once, and not be dwelling on health issues.

Hope you all have something to look forward to soon also.


You sound as though you have been very busy,I hope you have a wonderful day and may the sun shine

Hi Irene
Isn’t it a fantastic feeling when you have something nice to look forward too,your daughter sounds like a lovely girl.Wedding prep can be so stressful and I bet she has appreciated your support.I hope you have a lovely day and a wonderful birthday.


Congratulations - it’s really good having good times - enjoy!

Lots of love x

it’s great to have some time being a normal person and not a cancer patient isn’t it.

I hope the wedding goes well and that everyone has a lovely day … as with your b’day the following week.

Hey Irene - I hope everything goes really smoothly for you and you have a marvellous time - you deserve some “time out” from all this

xxxx And Happy Birthday too!

Hi Irene

Just wanted to say have a fantastic day !!!

Happy birthday too x x x x

Hello Irene

Hope you have a lovely day at your daughters wedding, and the weather is lovely and warm for you. Happy Birthday to you aswell.

Lot of love

Just to say, have a wonderful time and happy birthday when it arrives.

Love and take care


Hi Irene, one of my best friends is getting married in a couple of weeks time and I’m so looking forward to it. She has been such a support during my being ill and also her s-in-l is a month ahead of me in her treatment and she’s been right behind her too. So I’m hoping that we will all have a lovely day, forget about all this illness and celebrate their being together for over 20 years. And of course dance to Abba until the early hours!! I wish you the sunniest days with the lightest of breezes, and hope you have a wonderful time.

Love, Maggie x.

Hi Irene
Have a great time - how exciting and happy birthday too.

I am looking forward to a hen do and wedding in September - a close friend of the family and my daughter is bridesmaid, Di was bridesmaid to my daughters wedding. My youngest son is getting married next year and we are meeting her family next weekend so lots to enjoy!


Hi, Irene and all

What a wonderful time you’re having. Like everyone else, enjoy your celebrations. And yes, it’s great to get away from being a cancer patient, even if it’s only for a weekend.

My son and his bride were married at the end of May. What a weekend that was - and I was dancing to a ceilih band!!

Have a great summer, everyone :slight_smile:

Good luck to us all.
Maureen xx

Hi Irene hope you have awonderful time on both special occasions.My daughters wedding day was amazing and I treasure the memories as it was a year before my dx.Enjoy,laugh,live go girl go xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Irene

Have a fantastic day… all that hard work getting a wedding organised pays off on the big day.

Happy Birthday also xxx

Kirsty :slight_smile:

Thanks for your lovely comments! Just got back from visiting a friend who I used to work with, she had cooked us a lovely lunch. When I got there she had invited other ex colleagues which was great, and they had prezzies for my 50th! It was a lovely surprise and quite humbling as the friend who arranged it doesn’t have good health herself and she was so nice about me celebrating reaching this milestone.

Wedding plans going well, must get that other dress finished this week!


Hi Irene …hope the wedding is fab and we get to see photos when we next meet als Happy 50 !!!
Have a fabulous time being normal
Maz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Maz and others. Well it all went well with quite a few hitches and lots of stress but what a fabulous day. We were 20 mins late for church but food (made by groom and bride) was superb as was live band. I danced my legs off!! She was beautiful and she had a lovely day.

We had a few hiccups along the way, not least OH (her dad )going to the pub during reception (never to be forgiven).

But not wanting to dwell too much on him. It was her big day and it was fantastic.
