wedding insurance

My son is getting married in April. The wedding has been brought forward as my daughter in law’s mother has found breast cancer again after chemo and surgery. I also was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 1/2 years ago though fortunatly all clear so far.
We are looking to find insurance that will cover the wedding if anything was to happen to her mum in the meantime. Does anyone have a suggestion? So far all we have found will not cover them unless the diagnosis came after booking.

Just bumping this up for you.

I hate to say it, but you might struggle. You’ll probably be able to get insurance EXCLUDING anything happening to her mum - but it will probably be very difficult to find someone who will insure the wedding and cover cancellation if your son’s future mother-in-law were to get very ill beforehand as it is a pre-exisiting condition. I’m speaking from my experience in the travel industry (travel insurers like to wiggle out of everything) and from my experience with my wedding insurance.

I really hope I’m wrong and that someone else can help you out.

Thanks for this. Yes we are finding that to be the case unfortunatly. We will just have to go ahead with the planning and hope for the best I think.
Thanks for taking the time to reply though.