Thought I’d pass on what I’ve been told by my onc in preparation for starting weekly paclitaxel next week. There has been a study that show that omega 3 can reduce the peripheral neuropathy side effects - link below
I’ve been told to take three omega 3 capsules per day, which I started as soon as he told me, and have to continue taking them for a month after chemo finishes.
Thanks for replying! I have gone with Bare Biology Lion Heart fish oil which I used to take before treatment anyway but stopped as I didn’t want anything to interfere with the chemo.
I am having 12 weekly Taxol and then I’m done!! I’ve had 3 already and so far I’ve had no SE. I feel like they are giving me water and long may it last!! I was quite paranoid about the whole peripheral neuropathy thing and so am icing my hands and feet for each treatment and have started taking the fish oil as off yesterday so am feeling abit less paranoid now!!
Thank you so much for posting the link to the paper… I think I was just meant to find it on Friday evening when I couldn’t sleep
Wishing you a happy and healthy new year and all the best with your remaining T treatments!