Weekly paclitaxel (taxol) and hair loss

Hi Lindyloo Ho Bonnie
Hi thanks for your replies regards to the facial flushing. It does seem to be a common issue. I’ll mention it before my next weekly cycle. Will ask about the Aveeno and QV cream too. I have some Factor 50 somewhere so will dig that out and start using it daily. Great advice. . X

I have Her2 +++was in remmisson for almost a year had 14 lymphnodes removed (axillary nodes) and I think around 30 rds. Of radiation. Now its back and I have 4 small tumors but not on any organs. I am on taxol, herceptin and perjeta every three weeks and taxol weekly supposedly smaller doses. I’ve had two big treatments so far which u could say. After my 2nd big treatment I starting losing fairly good amounts of hair( that I just got back)I’m worried cause this treatment is ongoing and I feel like my time is running out. On a good note I’m still eating and havent lost any weight. I just wanted to share because I don’t know anyone who is personally going thru this. Just wanted some feed back from anyone who can make me feel better about this. To add it is Oct. 24 2018 and I lost my husband of 31 years on the 4th of July this year suddenly of a massive heart attack and was told in August my cancer is back. I too have the facial flushing from steroids.

Hi, my hair started falling out on cycle 10 of 12 of weekly taxol - I finished on 4th December and I’m still really shedding, very thin on top especially… These comments have really helped as I can see I’m not the only one it’s happened to! I can’t wait to see my hair coming back, whenever that may be!

I lost my husband of 30 years 3 years ago and actually I’m happy that this didn’t happen while he was alive as it would have upset him so much. Sometimes it’s easier going through stuff on your own rather than having to cope with other people’s worries which is why I never told my elderly parents when I had breast cancer back in the 80s. It was easier for me to deal with it without worrying them and I’ve always felt that it was one of the best decisions I ever made.


Thank you for your kind words. I did great through the first six then I got lymphedema and that is really a pain to keep under control. I am now about 18 treatments in and lost both big toenails and n.ow I think its affecting my fingernails. Have neuropathy in hands and feet but vitamin b6 helps with that. I’m getting tired all the time. New Pet Scan tomorrow. That will determine how much stronger I can be. If its good she is taking me off Taxol for awhile but keeping me on Herceptin. Good luck to you and God Bless. Keep in touch. I didn’t even know I had replies till just now.

That comment was for Pinklily from hopeful61

Cdc1811 thank you for commenting. Yes I do have a good support system. But have a lot of other issues to deal with. I’m in a small mobile home. Was just me and my brother after husband died. I needed my daughter very much but had to take in her family of five. Needless to say barely one person helping me with bills and not that much. My whole house is occupied. I love them all so much but way too crowed here.

I haven’t started yet but I’m 60. How old are you?

I’m 57.