Hi all,
Ok I have sort of puffed up and gained weight since starting Tamoxifen - 2 months ago - does anybody go swimming or zumba whilst having rads ??? I feel like a couch potatoe and need to do something. I have also read somewhere that Tamoxifen hangs on to 70% of calorie intake … is this true !!!
not sure about all this but will bump it up for you .
I ran all through treatment, and restarted swimming during rads. There are different opinions here, but I was told it was OK to swim during rads until my skin started to get red and sore. It never got sore, so I swam all through. I was told to rinse all the chlorine off straight after getting out of the pool.
The swimming thing is interesting!
Its been so warm here that my OH was threatening to open the pool early but I’m convinced that the chlorine will affect my poor little redbreast (not a robin)so have persuaded him not to…anyone else swum thro rads?
Think I’m going to be prescribed Femara - that better not effect my weight - I’ve been on a gentle ‘regime’ since early November - prior to diagnosis and have lost almost 1 and a half stone and want to lose another stone so I will be very very annoyed if it has an effect. Moo - The tamoxifen statistic sounds awful?70%???Would have to eat virtually nothing and i’m a very hungry caterpillar.
I used to go on a 8-10km walk every other tuesday but have had to stop doing it - want to start doing that again soon…perhaps after Easter…
Mary M
I haven’t heard that 70% statistic, although I am aware many complain of weight gain with tamoxifen. However, as with everything, it all affects us differently. I have gained no weight with any of my treatment (currently 4 1/2 yrs into tamoxifen). I exercise regularly.