Hi Ladies
Had my masc and treatment last year and am on tamoxifen since last June. Wondered if any ladies had experienced weight gain and sore joints/stiffness. I have gained over 2 stones and feel achy and stiff after sitting ot first thing in the morning. Am awaiting reconstruction. Would really appreciate your comments
Hi mrs mc,yes had my masc may 2010 now taking tamoxifen and gained a stone, also got achy and stiff after sitting down,been doing 2 mile walks every day and have lost a little weight, i am also waiting for recon.
I had my mx in Dec 2006, chemo and Tamoxifen. I had Tram Flap reconstruction in Dec 2010. It all went very smoothly. I am very pleased with the results. Not as much pain as I expected, just discomfort. I am now on the waiting list to have my other side uplifted to match. Feel free to ask any questions.
Take Care
Carolyn x
hiya , another weight gainer on tamoxifen , unfortunatly it is one of the many side effects that comes with tamoxifen horrible tho , i am going to join slimming world i think , see if i can rid myself of some of it .
Me too!
I didn’t have a mx but have been on tamox since May 2010. I have put on 2 stone and gone up from a 14/16 to an 18. I am doing regular exercise and am eating no more than I was before the tamox. Even when I try really hard to cut down on things and exercise more I put on more weight.
Apart from the tamox I am also on a steroid inhaler, betablockers and a few other drugs - most of which have weight gain as one of the side effects. When I asked my gp about it all he said is eat less and exercise more. I wasn’t very happy with this response (he has been great in every other way with my treatment). I may talk to a different gp at the practice as it is really starting to get me down.
If anyone has any good ideas I would love to hear them.
Thank you for all the comments. i also have started exercising more and my gp has actually given me tablets to help weight loss by preventing my body from absorbing fat. not sure whether or not to start them as worried about possible side effects.
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Hello all - your thread seems the closest to my question so I hope you don’t mind me jumping on. I don’t (yet anyway) have the weight gain but do get some of the stiffness. I also get what I have decided to name ‘Tamoxifen Tail’ whereby my coccyx gets achy at the times when I assume my oestrogen levels dip (technically I’m premenospausal even though the chemo has knocked out Auntie Flo) so roughly one to two weeks each month. I have spoken to oncs and BCNs who are unconcerned and I did find (via the evil Google) a thread on here a couple of years back about stiff behinds. Just wondered if any of you have T-tail too?