Another one here gone from size 12 to 16 this year, much of it through sheer inactivity having previously been running, swimming and doing a heavy manual job. Only been on Tamoxifen for three weeks so it’s a bit early to blame that, the back/hip/knee/ankle pain is probably weight and menopause related, not sure about fingers and shoulders though. Still there are a lot of mince pies to finish and I’m vaguely planning to try Slimfast in January - it’s the one diet that satisfies my sweet tooth.
Most disappointing is that I had a DIEP reconstruction so my pot belly is now flat, when looked at side-on, but the Michelin tyre above the navel is like nothing I could have imagined, and I have three chins!
I have been in the UK for the last few days and weighed myself at mum and dads as my scales at home only have kilos and its very depressing. I jumped on the scales and hey ho !!! i am 2 pounds of 13 stone. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME.
Before all this BC crap i was between 9 and 9 1/2. I have gone up to virtually 13 in one and half years. Whats going on.
I had 2 months were i lived on lettuce and home made soup, i was so carefull - cut out all rubbish and cheese and felt miserable about what i was eating but stuck with it. I made sure i walked the dogs every night and been on excercise bike twice a day. I have 3 floors to my house and constantly up and down them.
This cant carry on - i think when i get my next blood test in March i am going to ask that they check my thyroid becaue there has to be a problem.
After all this i will die from a heart attack or get diabetes - this cant be right surely.
Chemo made me gain about nearly 10 kilos, but now that rads have finished I find I’m so wiped that my appetite has crashed and I’ve lost 4 kilos over the last month and I think drinking green tea every day is really helping so some of you might want to try that, I’ll be joining you all on Tamoxifen pretty soon and am dreading it.
Chemo has certainly made me gain weight but haven’t plucked up the courage to weigh myself. When I had my chemo and herceptin, I was weighed regularly but told the nurses not to tell me how much I weighed as I just wanted to bury my head in the sand. I reckon I’ve put on about 3/4 stone and so trying to be good and not snack and lose it but it’s really hard. Vertangie I might try that green tea but just the thought of it makes me gag!
Very reassuring to hear your stories, as I too have been struggling with going from a life time of being a size 8 to now being a 12 ~ I’m not one for shopping and really loathed having to buy new jeans for my new ‘saddlebags’ bottom. I’m off to see an NHS dietician today even though I eat mostly organic sensible foods. But I must say I’ve notice a new and creeping weakness for choclate and crisps, since starting on Tamoxifen & Zoladex. My biggest problem in keeping away from these ‘weighty foods’ is living with my ever hungry pubecent son!
Anyhow, if I get any really good advice / tips I’ll pass them on. Best F~
I have been to see dietician at hosp and she advised me to go on to the slimmers world diet, even though i did it before she said that i musnt have been doing it right, she said that its the best way to lose weight as your never hungry and living healthy at the same time! Going to start in Jan i think, no point around this christmas period!
I started Tam aug 2006, the first 6 months no weight gain however really struggled with some other side effects from 1 particular brand, the chemist suggested I ask for nolvadex D, went on this early 2007 and yes the side effects stopped but instead I started putting on weight near enough just on my hips. My hips (or love handles) are well out of proportion of the rest of my body, they make my back feel like I have rolls of fat and I feel uncomfortable when sitting down, I am very sluggish and feel like I have a hard layer of lard through out my body. I have had recon using tram flap and my PS has commented on the hardness of my fat in my new boob and how it hasn’t dropped and even how he struggled doing lipo. I am so peeved at my figure (size 10 and 9.5 stone pre diagnoses) now going into a 14 on bottom half and 10.7 stone, I am beginning to hate those tablets.
I went to my GP today and had a big chat and burst out crying (very unusual for me) he went thru every side effect + checked out my back and hips and said I had bloating. he suggested I go back to the other varieties as the tamoxifen is the same in all brands and by now I should have experienced the side effects which naturally fade, however he feels the bulking agency in the Nol D may be to blame for fat.
He has also ordered general blood tests on anaemia, kidney. liver & thyroid, so hopefully all will sort it self out, told him I cant do another 2.5 years like this as its now becoming 24/7 uncomfortable. I am also the reddest and sweatiest person in my aroebic class and I am only 40, I also go out on very brisk walks 3/4 times a week lasting at least 0.5/1.5 hours.
I dont want to hate tam. I am fully aware that I don’t have the best of prognosis and have to take every drug available, but do wonder at times if its more good than bad, hopefully bloods next week will anser my inner thought.
I gained loads of weight on the chemo, and have now been on zolodex and letrozole for a year, however I joined weight watchers in June 2008 and I have lost 2 stone since then. I found it easy to follow and I did stick to it, but it has been very good for me. I am nearly at my goal weight but will continue going because that way I can keep on top of it if it starts creeping back on. good luck whatever you try, I had tried loads before I went to weight watchers.
its certainly difficult to eat anything nice without putting weight on. i now have a phobia of the scales havnt been near them lately(only joking). but i too have put on about 11/2 stone in the last year, and while i think medication isnt helping (tamoxifen) my willpower is so low at present. i think its because i live for the moment more, even where food is concerned and do everything i enjoy. (and unfortunetly food is something in the catogery) i am careful sometimes but not enough, i will have to try harder next year. and beat my phobia of the SCALES aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
one thing though it takes are mind off the illness. take care x
Is it possible not to put weight on when taking tamoxifen?? Yes it is. I’ve been on it for 2 years, have n’t put weight on, did n’t put any on during chemo and I’m still a size 8. My diet has n’t changed. I don’t eat crap, have n’t done for years, not bothered about chocolate or biscuits- generally would n’t thank you for anything sugary or fatty- makes me want to puke. I’ve been vegetarian for 26 years so have had a low fat, low sugar low salt, etc diet. And I’ll be 50 next year. Not everyone on tamoxifen puts on weight or suffers the listed side effects. It’s not all bad for everyone.
well done geraldine, i wish i was as disciplined as you , you are doing great! i know tamoxifen is not bad for everyone(thankfully) and like i said it does have a lot to do with our habits, just hope i can get on top of things next year.
Hi. There is hope for all us “fatties”. I was talking to two friends who have had bc. One 18 years ago and one 12 years ago. The first one put on 4 stone whilst on tamoxifan but lost it over 9 months as soon as she stopped taking it after 5 years. The other couldn’t remember how much she put on but again said that it came off naturally when she stopped taking the drug. Both said they did not alter their eating habits at all!!! I am on Arimidex and now weigh nearly 15 stone, after having a double mastectomy I look 11 months pregnant and have that “apple” shape. I have to look on the bright side - apart from the weight I’m fit and healthy!