weight gain, no diet is working!


I started my Tam and Zoladex about 6 months ago and at that time was a size 8-10, now i am putting on weight rapidly and its just not shifting. I have been on the slimmers world diet for 3 weeks and been to the gym 4 days a week and absolutly nothing is working! If anybody has any tips at all please let me know as its getting me down a little bit.

Many Thanks,



I finished 2 years of zoladex a year ago. I am still on tamoxifen for another 2 years. Whilst on both tamoxifen and zoladex i put a lot of weight on but I was eating far too much of the wrong stuff. I went on Weight watchers core plan in June 2008 and i have since lost 2 stones. Bearing in mind I am still on tamoxifen ( the Zoladex is finished) the weight is coming off …about 3 lbs a month on average.On some weeks I dont lose any. I have been on the core plan for nearly 6 months. I am now following it on my own as I find going to meetings rather boring and a waste of money. I weight myself only once a month. I love the core plan, no weighing, no counting points or calories, just a healthy eating plan. I think the Zoladex is the culprit really. How long have you got to go? Another 1 1/2 years I guess?

Hi - i have lost about 12kils whilst on Zoladex and arimadex. It has taken about a year very slow. I think that is the way to go. Basically eat between 1200 and 1500 cals a day and exercise 3x a week. I found Spark people website - it is american so lots of american food but it is free.

All the best Jacqui

Hi Swanie

You ‘lost’ weight on Arimidex, Gosh i have put on 2 stone and really don’t recognise this tinky winky i have become! Most weight seems to be from my chest down and even my thighs seem huge, My ankles are still nice and thin, my best bit now! I knew i was in trouble when my nice hipster pants kept rolling down wedging themselves under my roll of fat above the pubic bone, I now have some very nice Bridget Jones knickers that do at least stay up! I eat very little so just can’t reduce my portion size, much to my daughters horror i have got some Nordic Walking sticks so will try and march around the estate with them for exercise. I was in hospital for removal of ovaries etc in March and while on a drip for 3 days put on 3lb!

Will go on that website, thanks


Thanks for your comments ladies, i still have another 4 half years on Tam and 2 yrs on zoladex but that is to be reviewed!! I think that ill try the weight watchers diet, anything is worth a try!


Hi Emily

BCC have made DVD about healthy eating which you may find useful to take a look at, you can order a copy and read more about it via the following link:


Best wishes

Hi, I have been on Tamoxifen for a few months and have been on a research programme where we have to go for exercise sessions three times a week, and follow a healthy eating plan, all that I can tell you is that all the women on the programme have the same problem, and despite healthy eating and loads of exercise it seems impossible to lose weight, we have to learn to be happy that we are healthy and that we are converting body fat to muscle, so the research leader says!

hi everyone

i too have gained weight during chemo, and now taking tamoxifen, im alarmed at how quickly it is coming on, does anyone know if it gradually evens off, im on it for a long time, and worried it will just keep creeping up. i would be happy if i hadnt put so much on, but im now up to 13 stone, and only about 5foot 3. brought a dance dvd yesterday, so going to give that a shot. but i feel its such a hard battle, because even whilst going through chemo, i tried to be reasonably active by walking a lot, but like you say nothing seems to help! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Cannot find that link to DVD


Hi Normski

I have just checked the link and you can order the DVD at breastcancercare.org.uk//content.php?page_id=7650

If you cannot access this then if you phone our helpline on 0808 800 6000, they will be able to sort it out for you.

Best wishes


Thanks very much Ann. I found it and have ordered.


I have not been able to loose any weight and have gone from a size 12 to a 16. Despite walking 2 miles a day and yoga once a week the weight is not shifting. I don’t eat a lot - i still seem to have problems with taste from chemo
I am finding it very difficult to cope with it and my self esteem is very low. Hubby says he loves me no matter what but would like to feel a bit more confident about the way I look. At the moment I look in the mirror and its not me looking back -scarred body, lymphodema, not much hair, over weight and a walking stick. Can’t believe how much i have changed in a year. I comfort myself by thinking at least, despite secondaries in two places that I am still here. Would like to feel better and regain some of the self confidence though that I used to have. Also its Christmas party season so am dreading going to parties seeing everyone in slinky dresses
Oh well


Jools you sound like you could be me a year ago I can remember looking in the mirror and thinking ‘now what’- thank goodness for husbands who love you whatever you look like.

I will have been on Tamoxifen two year on January and I have put on two stone despite walking and yoga and recently joining a gym - I have been upset by this but at my last check up with my Doctor I was asked if I was happy to which I replied yes - then just go and be happy I was told and forget the weight gain and just be you.

So I am not worrying so much about food, but enjoying life and occasionally weighing myself and concentrating on being happy - the weight will go if it is meant to and if not lets hope tents are coming back into fashion.

BC is such an awful thing to happen to anyone and it is so unfair that the effects can last for so many years even for those of us who are only dealing with a primary diagnoses

hi everyone,

ive decided i may start a thread, called FOOD DIARY. its really an experiment, to see if its making any difference weither people eat good or bad. ive shared my food diary for today on the chemo thread. (any chemo buddies 20th May). i think it will help me in a way, because im already embarrased to tell people how bad ive eaten today, so im looking to improve tommorow.
anyone up for this? i too am happy and if the weight stays so be it, but i wouldnt mind trying to work with others to see if we can beat the blob, together. take carex

I gradually gained weight on Tamoxifen despite trying to eat healthily (with exception of chocolate!) - I then discovered that I was intolerant to wheat in addition to the lactose (milk products) which I already knew about. The weight stabilised when I cut out the foods I was intolerant to.

I lost a little bit of weight when I started trying to prepare most of my food at home and not eat processed foods.

Then I found the Food Doctor Diet and followed his plan to the letter for a week (a nice no brainer, don’t have to think about what to cook!) - lost 12 pounds (which is a bit too fast really) - then moved house so all the activity helped me to lose a bit more weight. I was pleased and surprised I’d lost weight on Tamoxifen…

I’ve also read ‘French Women Don’t Get Fat’ (Mireille Johnson) and I find a lot of her principles very helpful, I’m now after two house moves, at the weight I was before I got pregnant the first time, and a lot lighter than when I got breast cancer. I find it much easier to be active with less weight. Also when I eat healthily, I *feel* so much better, and more energetic. So I limit things like biscuits or cakes & chocolate to max twice a week and really look forward to them and enjoy them. I comfort myself in other ways, not with food any more. If I have a celebratory weekend or a holiday and eat more than I am now used to, I will compensate gently the next week, never do anything drastic, I always eat enough for my energy needs on any day, I’ve always liked vegetables and fruit and have been interested in wholefoods for a long time, I’m sure that helps a lot. I don’t eat milk products at all - my fat comes from olive oil and coconut milk/palm/nut/sunflower oil unrefined type sources.

Think it’s been a journey of learning about food and what’s best for me, and slowly changing my diet and taste buds, it’s not been an overnight thing. I took on board some great food advice walkthewalk gave us when I did the Moonwalk in 2003, and kept it up after the walk. So that’s a weight loss of a stone and a half on 5 years of Tamoxifen.

I’ve been switched on to Letrozole, and have maintained my weight. Maybe the nausea helps (warning: silver lining coming up!) because my way of coping with it is salads, fruit and ginger drinks with oatcakes.

Sorry such a long post, wanted to emphasis the journey aspect of this! Good luck with your journey!

Is it possible to not put on weight on Tamoxifen? Have had mastectomy and reconstruction from my tummy fat and getting to the end of my chemo (last cycle starts christmas day!) then starting tamoxifen for 5 years. Already feeling miserable with no hair and flab everywhere and made the big mistake of going shopping for a party dress, although not planning to go to any really, and couldn’t fit in any. Used to be a size 8/10, thought I was now a 12 but obviously deluded. I eat really healthy stuff - all vegetarian, all home cooked even cabbage soup but still putting on weight! I know it’s not the most important thing but seems like the final straw sometimes!

thanks carol, youve given me hope.x

I put on 3stone during my chemo and i was on tamoxifen 2 1/2 years now arimadex ive just had my reconstruction had a free tram flap so ive now got a flat stomach. so i thought stop putting the weight down to my treatments i know they dont help but its also down to what i put into my mouth. i think i went through a stage thinking ive had cancer and all the ops and treatments why not have chocolate if i want it. So 4 weeks ago i joined weightwatches and iv’e lost 8lb and i feel very pleased with my self . I feel cancer has put me through enough and im not going to let it make me fat anymore.!!!


I have spoken to my BC nurse and she has referred me to a dietician! She said that he should help me as he will chec exactly what im eating etc and tell me what the best foods to eat are as the pills put weight on etc, she said that this usually works for alot of ladies so maybe for those who are struggeling should give this a try? I have my 1st app on tues so ill let you know if he is any good or not!

oh im so glad its not me then as ive gone from a size 12 to a 16 in a year and i eat healthily ,feel like its not me in the mirror and despite trying to excercise nothin seems to work .i have very severee joint pains so find movement very painful ,but nothing is working ,will just have to put up and shut up if it keeps the cancer away ,wish i had my once shapely figure back again now i just look like a barrel of lard .