Sorry that you havent had a response yet. It may be because there are conversations about Letrazole elsewhere on the site. A particular conversation, Side effects of Letrazole, may be of particular interest to you. It is a long thread, but it has lots of shared experiences as well as individual tips of how to manage the side effects.
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I started taking letrozole July 2017. I have gained 40 plus pounds inside one year. The weight is all around my middle. I have been a vegan for almost two years. I have seemed to have develooed a sweet tooth. Mit happy about that. I feel very down about the weight gain. My clothes are all too tight. I don’t go out too much. I keep my oncologist appointments, go to the grocery store. Basically only go where I really have to go because I don’t like how I look.
My family and and my best friend tells me not to stress about my weight, that I should be happy that I am still alive. I’m sure I don’t need to say I do stress about my weight.