Weight Gain

Hi Ladies,

Don’t right down much but do read a lot of your threads.

I have secondary liver cancer, i had my dx in November last year. Liver melts. At that time I weight 12stone,

I now weight 13stone 6 pounds. (thought you were surpose to lose weight lol) I’m on cap1800ml twice a day.

I try to eat really health, Fresh fruit salad for breakfast two slice of bread and filling salad most nights, when i’m hungry in the day i eat fruit, but I’m still putting wegiht on. I know i eat to much, and could cut down some more, but my will power lets me down. I can;t do much excersie because i have spinal problems, use to swim to keep my weight down, but now on chemo told not to do that.

I always think if I’m worried about my weight its a good thing as that means thats it’s all i have to worry about. 

Suffer badly with consterpation and have to take many things to help.

Oncolagist and BCN have told me not to worry about it, but it really is getting me down…

Sorry for the moan.Do you ladies have ways of keeping your weight down while doing it healthy?


Oh carolann
I know how you feel with the extra weight. It’s the lack of exercise for most of us and some of us can’t do much like we used to do
I used to swim, do diy etc but I have hip and femur probs and my mobility isn’t that good.
All the side effects of treatments have a knock on effect.
I know this will cause uproar with some of the healthy ladies here …but if you are feeling well and eating good things …just buy a bigger size in clothes or get the elastic waist jeans !!
Try not to let it spoil your life and focus on the cape pills and the dodgy feet and hands problems.
Hugs xx

Carolann, I was on the same dose of Cape as you and was always hungry! I also put on weight even though I exercise a lot. In the end I just thought ******! If it’s working I’ll live with it…and I was on it for 2 1/2 years.


Now I’m on another treatment and have lost weight again. You sound as though your diet is healthy, could you maybe live with it? Do you take any anti-nausea medication? I always thought this made me gain weight as apparently it moves food out of your stomach ( sorry if you are eating lunch!) xx

Hi ladies I’m on Herceptain perjeta letrazole and zoladex i’m in slimming world every week I get weighed and I gain a pound I’m starting to get stressed to stand on the scales I feel embarrassed they must think I’m mad lol. I have bought a fit bit to make sure I do my steps I’m enjoying that if anyone has one let me know il add you and we can have competition haha x x

Just think that u get the best bargains in the sales for a size 18!! Well in the classic shops. Don’t suppose top shop and new look do those sizes !!
I’m a size 14 but slipping into a size 16 …but it’s self inflicted with me …choc and cake most days and slip in a McDonalds a couple of times a week and u get a heffer like me.
Just enjoy feeling well .
Hugs xxc

Sorry slimming world isn’t working for you …it didn’t for me either …I did well on rosemary Conley many years ago. Lost three stone and went from size 14 to size 8 …then when I was feeling smug and proud …got the primary bc ! Kept a lot of the weight off for years though.
Hugs xx???

First time I joined slimming world I lost weight that’s how I found the lump I think because I lost it off my books but this time I’m struggling mind I don’t stick to it by the book so it could be my fault ??

Ha ha …jultz
Look at your spelling check …think I know what u r saying !!
I often think that loosing three stone in a year on a low fat diet …shook my body so much and that is why I got bc.
Will never know .

Carolann, as you are on Cape, why don’t you join us on the Xeloda/Capecitabine thread under the Treatments and Medical Issues section of the Secondaries part of the forum? Also join the fun in the Secondaries Private Group thread and play some word games with us, post your photos of your garden or crafty bits, or just for a chat. People with bone mets also hang out on the Bone Mets thread under this current heading.


Hugs. Barton.x

Haha carolyn well spotted I meant boobs not books bliddy prodictive text x x x

I hate predictive text as well …I type normal stuff and then it turns it all into gobbledygook and I have to go back and edit !!
Hugs xx

Hello Ladies, I have always been heavy and then really packed on with these treatments. I buckled  down  back in  Summer if 2011 to Spring of 2012 and lost 70 lbs. I still had a lot to go but was quite pleased with what  I accomplished. Then I got really ill. One tumor really grew almost completely shut off mg brohncus and lung collapsed. Had radiation lung reinflated. Then changed treatment to cap. My heart was racing from tumor pushing on artery, so on a heart med too. I started to gain weight rapidly. Heart drug said cou l d cause rapid weight  gain, cap can cause weight gain. I went on thI s diet suggested by my Dr called med fast. My daughter and husband were  doing it too. They both lost and I kept gaining. This was powder food a n d in my 800 calories. I gave up! I couldn’t cut down any more and wasn’t going to gain weight on powder food. J finally seemed to level off after cap failed. All winter I was able to stay the same. In the beginning of the year J decided to try again. I was losing, then lost control when my brother commuted suicide. I have worked myself off steroids and gave started to lose  again. My method  has been to cut my portions in half. I figure if I way  twice what I should then I should eat half as much. This what I did before! Hoping it keeps working! Such a frustrating issue! Good luck girls! FF

Hello Ladies, I have always been heavy and then really packed on with these treatments. I buckled  down  back in  Summer of 2011 to Spring of 2012 and lost 70 lbs. I still had a lot to go but was quite pleased with what  I accomplished. Then I got really ill. One tumor really grew almost completely shut off my brohncus and lung collapsed. Had radiation lung reinflated. Then changed treatment to cap. My heart was racing from tumor pushing on artery, so on a heart med too. I started to gain weight rapidly. Heart drug said could cause rapid weight  gain, cap can cause weight gain. I went on thIs diet suggested by my Dr called med fast. My daughter and husband were  doing it too. They both lost and I kept gaining. This was powder food and only 800 calories. I gave up! I couldn’t cut down any more and wasn’t going to gain weight on powder food. I finally seemed to level off after cap failed. All winter I was able to stay the same. In the beginning of the year I decided to try again. I was losing, then lost control when my brother committed suicide. I have worked myself off steroids and have started to lose  again. My method  has been to cut my portions in half. I figure if I weigh twice what I should then I should eat half as much. This is what I did before! Hoping it keeps working! Such a frustrating issue! Good luck girls! FF

Hello lovelys,


Weight gain… urghhhhhh tell me about it… its bloody awful. I was dx 6 years ago with both primary and secondaries on lungs all at the same time, I was a size 8 and had been my whole life then this happened and after the usual 6 months of chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I am now on herceptin forever and was on tamoxifen now arimidex, slowly but surely over the past 6 years my weight has crept on even when I was only consuming fresh healthly green juices, even now I’ve cut out bread, cakes, sweet treats and only eat homemade food fresh and organic, I still put on weight I’ve put on an incredible 5 stone and I know its not what I’m eating, I excercise as much as possible or when I feel well enough, mainly walking and swimming but still nothing will shift, personally I blame a lot of it on the menopause being forced into early menopause (42) due to chemo and conseqeuntly due to zoladex to shut my ovaries down I beleive the lack of estrogen is the cause of my weight gain leaving me in a tricky position, my cancer loves estrogen so needs to be blocked equally my metabolism is dictated to by estrogen, its so hard, I literally don’t recognise the person in the mirror I look so different, people dont recognise me and I tend to hide away as much as possible I know all of this sounds ridiculous especially when you consider I might not of been here but for all these miracle drugs but I feel that I am paying for it in other ways.  


Having said all of that can I suggest that anyone struggling with weight go and see there GP and ask to have your thyroid checked as a sluggish thyroid can also make it difficult to loose weight its a symptom. (Ive had this test they check your blood and then re-check 3 months later to confirm if it is the thyroid) The first test I had showed a problem with my thyroid but the subsequent test came out normal so they have decided not to treat my thyroid. Recently I’ve been very fatigued and after a conversation with my breast care nurse she believes it is my thyroid and wants me to go back and get tested again. Its worth looking into even if its just to eliminate it from your list. Good luck to you all xxxxx

Hiya sarahlouise
It’s bad enough taking all the pills and treatments and side effects but then get stuck with extra weight …it’s unfair and no one understands the misery.
I have put on weight but not to excess and could easily shake it by giving up chocolate and cakes !!!
You are doing very well with the herceptin obviously working its magic and maybe focus and be happy with a bit of extra padding!!

You are all going to hate me, but I actually lost 10kgs whilst on Eribulin, but the onc were worried because apparently if you lose too much weight it adversly affects your immunity!  I wasnt trying, but dont ferl so hungry.


anyway forcing myself to eat now!



You are all going to hate me, but I actually lost 10kgs whilst on Eribulin, but the onc were worried because apparently if you lose too much weight it adversly affects your immunity!  I wasnt trying, but dont feel so hungry.


anyway forcing myself to eat now!



Hi everyone,
Since being on Cape I’ve developed lots of food aversions. Some foods really do make me physically sick which isn’t pleasant. However, my weight is holding steady as the few foods I do like are fairly high calorie such as steak pies, sausages, mashed potatoes, spaghetti bolognese, breakfast cereals, bananas and biscuits. Fortunately, I still like grapes, strawberries and all other berries. It’s strange how the same drug can affect some of us so differently. Best wishes xxx