Weighty issues....part 2

Weighty issues…part 2

Weighty issues…part 2 Hi Girls

I said that I would get back to you with regard to joining Rosemary Conelly slimming classes with a salsa class thrown in.

This diet is based on a low GI / fat and once you get into it it really isnt that bad, because of the bc I was allowed 1500 calories per day. I followed the RC book jeans diet for 1 week and to be honest I didnt think that I would lose anything, I had it in my mind that because the weight had gone on unexplained it would’t come off. Well I lost 5 1/2 lbs and the second salsa class was a lot easier that the first week.

So if your struggling girls give this one a go, it really does make you feel on top of the world knowing that the weight can come off.

Debbie xx