Weird pins and needles, prickling numbness back 15 months after docetaxel

I’m not sure if this will work but am giving it a go.
Has anybody had a return of the annoying pins and needles/prickly skin/slightly numb sensation after having the same over 12 months ago post docetaxel x 6?
I thought this had almost disappeared but frustratingly it has returned even worse than the first time. I also have partial skin numbness all over my trunk front and back, and down both legs. It feels as if I’m walking with gravel in my shoes and I can hardly grip a pen to write.
I’m probably going to have to get it looked at but wondered if it had happened to anyone else?
Any input would be much appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation

Bumping for an answer for you xxx

HI Donna,
I’d definitely get it looked at. I am not wure what secondaries you have, but if you have mets i the spine, there is a risl of spinal compression. Pins and needles, numbness and nreve pains in the legs and arms are all things to look out for. It might be nothing, but it would be best to talk to your onc and get a scan just in case.

Thanks for the replies.
Tracy - not sure what bumping means, I’m rubbish with computers - does it mean you’ve tagged some info for me? If so how do I get to see it? Sorry I’m such a technophobe!
Amysmum - I have secondaries in lungs and liver and recently had a scan showing improvements on the last scan (over a year ago) so am surprised this has happened. Yes I’ll get advice as you suggest.
Many thanks girls
Donna x

Not sure if anyone following this but latest is :-
Breast care nurse says ring Onc
Onc off so sectretary says see gp
GP sent for bloods and urine checks which return as ‘normal’
GP sent for more bloods and bone scan - bloods tomorrow and scan when appnt arrives in post
6 monthly onc appnt cancelled from this week to early April
Still have maddening itchy palms and feet and weird skin sensation
Anyones else had similar?
Hey ho

No not had the itchy funny sensations but am glad you are at last getting a bone scan at least that way you can rule out bone mets. Sorry your Onc appt has been changed though and that its quite a wait now till you see them. Are you on any medication that could be causing your symptoms?
Hope you get it all sorted soon x

Hi, Thanks Julie.
Bone scan is Tues 5th next week so not long to wait.
I’m only on anastrozole which I’ve been taking for about a year now and taking sulfersalazine for arthritis I’ve had for years.
Symptoms seemed a puzzle to breast care nurse and gp so who knows, its still driving me mad though and making me a bit of a butter fingers so I’ll be glad to get to the bottom of it - if thats possible!
Fingers crossed x

Hi donnad,
I have just been prescribed with Gabapentin as I suffer greatly with aching/burning hands and feet, two of my fingers on right hand are numb and I have difficulty with opening things like toothpaste, nail varnish bottles ect, my grip has been tested and I have physio for my problems. My onc and GP say it is the side effects from the letrozole combined with nerve damage after bilateral mx, Scans in jan showed nothing sinister and bone scan was clear. Hope you find a solution soon.

Hello Milo1,
Thanks for your message.
I had wondered whether the daily Anastrozole might be the culprit but since the BC nurse wasn’t familiar with my symptoms I was unsure.
Also since GP, after speaking with onc team, has sent me for bone scan and more blood checks I was thinking perhaps further involvment may be the reason. I suppose I should have asked more questions. It would be great if that isn’t the reason.
I do have hand problems with fiddly things, its like I have a pair of tight rubber gloves on and they do feel slighty numb at times. My feet just feel uncomfortable but its bearable and the tightness around my rib area is strange. After having almost 12 months free from these symptoms its strange to have them return without the chemo.
I’m just going to have to wait for test results and my next visit to onc in April to get a fuller picture. The GP’s (I see whoever is free) I feel are in the dark as their updates are quite brief and I do think there’s a lot of guess work with them.
Hey ho!
Thanks again Milo1

Update time - Bone scan completed 4 days ago, onc appointment brought forward to wed 13th so am hoping for a better idea of whats going on.
Fingers crossed

Hi Donnad,

Just wanted to say good luck, hope your scan is clear :slight_smile:
I only finished chemo in Nov but have recently developed a weird prickly sensation down my arms and legs and have been booked in for a bone scan next week.


Hi M,
Thanks for your message.
I’m glad another has had similar symptoms. The bc nurse, who I hardly contact, said she’d not heard of the reaction so I was puzzled.
From your reply it sounds as if bones may be suspected - I hope not - but secondaries means anything could happen so am getting prepared.
My results should be available at tomorrow’s appointment so not long to wait now.
Fingers crossed!
Bone scan was no problem - 20 minutes lie down - I managed that very well.
All the best

Hi Donna
They never gave me a bone scan even when they realised I had high possitive lymph nodes so I requested it, and as I have developed some lower back pain they said yes, (more to keep me happy i think) I’m hoping the weird prickly feeling is a residual from the chemo. If it is bone related at least I’ll know and can get it treated - At the moment I’m more worried not knowing if I have any spread.

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, fingers crossed!


Hi again M,
Well it was good news!!!

Prof was more than happy to say that he really didn’t know why the wierd prickles/loss of sensation had returned and progressed then slightly subsided. After a quick body check but before chasing scan results (which hadn’t been passed to him) he was quite sure it was related to my previous chemo rather than to bones. Thats what I had hoped but since my chemo finished Dec 2011 I really wasn’t sure that could be the case.

Like you I needed to know whether bones were affected so could get on with any treatment rather than have the worry, what if?

Lets hope you have the same result!

All the very best next week
Donna x

That’s great news Donna, glad it wasn’t the bones :slight_smile:

It is weird how chemo can still affect you after all that time but I’d rather that than the other option, go for my scan tomorrow but don’t think I’ll get the results for ages, i’ll assume though that no news is good news as I’m sure they would let me know sooner if there were problems.

Thanks for the update, gives me hope :slight_smile:
M x

Lots of good wishes for the same news for you as well.
Let me know how you get on.
All ther best
Donna x

Donnad, I have similar problems with the fingers and numbness. Can Iask do you have it in both hands or just one. I ask because it was suggested that I had carpel tunnel syndrome but only my left hand is affected badly. Especially my finrst finger and thumb. May be worth asking your GP? Glad the bone scan went went well and the results were so good. Hugs Val

Hi Val,
Thanks for the message,
My numbness/prickling started (again) in both hands and feet and spread down my trunk, round my ribs and down both arms and legs. It started like this around the end of Jan and steadily got worse over the next 4 weeks. I had no real pain, more discomfort and restricted movement in my hands.
My usual oncologist appointment should have been soon after but was then postponed to 7 weeks later so I had to get myself checked over via my GP as the onc. was off. That lead to further confusion and so was sent for several tests.

My Onc appointment was then brought forward and since there had been some slight improvement and a good scan result he wasn’t worried. He said he’s not sure why this happened but is sure its linked to the last chemo and not to worry.
Both my hands are affected in the same way and the numbness etc is slightly more severe in the little 2 fingers of both hands and the outer edge of my palms.
I am having trouble with controlling small items I am holding. I can hardly feel delicate items and am dropping a lot of things unless I use my eyes to check I have a good grip of things.
I had thought of carpel tunnel but since I didn’t have the typical pain that brings except for my usual arthritis I dismissed that.
Hey ho, I’m just so glad of the good scan results.
I hope you are getting some relief for your own discomfort.
Donna x