Well, thats me well cooked now. Got a lovely square sunburn patch. The radiograhers reckon i should get through to the end by the skin of my teeth. Theyve said ive lasted well considering how fair I am. It blooming hurts now, so theyve told me to restrict all left side movements as much as I can to give my skin a bit of a break and to make sure I can get through these last few days.
Ive reached the end of my limits now. It hurts, its hot, it itches, its icky, im exhausted and fed up of feeling quesy all day…oh the joys…still just got to get through til Tuesday!
Hiya mate
Oh poor you, still, not long to go now. I’ve had 11 and so far, skin is holding up and feeling ok (just the travelling that’s a pain). I’ve got to ‘marked up’ for my boost tomorrow - they sprung that one on me, so now I’m having 19 not 15 like I thought. Why do you feel queasy and when did it start? I’ve not really felt like that and hope I don’t start lol.
Love Julie xxxx
Hi Buttons and Julie,
I have my last 1 of 25 tomorrow so I shall celebrate by shaving that underarm!
I am red raw and on antibiotics because they are not sure why I am as red and inflammed as I am. It hurts and keeps me awake at night. In fact, I can’t recall having any quality sleep since this whole thing started in June. I am exhausted, feel low but still cannot cry about the whole situation, even though I have a little weep whilst watching X-Factor! I am sure that next week, it will all come out.
Kat x
Hi All
I have just finished my 15 rads (Tuesday), almost didn’t have my last one as I felt so awful, nausia, tired and my head felt as if it was going to explode. However they persuaded me as they said I was dehydrated and if I drank as least 5 pints a day, I shouldn’t get the symptoms.
Wish they had told me that in the beginning! well I am now drinking lots, and yes things have improved, so I just wanted to share that info with you all to hopefully make you feel a bit better too.
Lots of love
Been drinking loads…but still feel ick…but ho hum. Im tired beyond belief but hey almost done. Im really really really burnt now got some more cream off them today…am tempted to just fill a bath up with it and sit in it all day lol. Theyve also given me some jelly like patch thingys…stick them in the fridge…then stick them on you.oooooooooooooo heeeeeeeeaven I can tell you. Still…just 3 more to have
Hi all.
I had my last session yesterday. Can’t shave my underarm as it has gone very sore and red. My husband thinks that they saved the best ‘blast’ to last as I was so uncomfortable last night and again today. Slathering cream on and taking it easy.
well done on completing your rads.put the cream in the fridge and apply it when its cold - could give you a bit of relieve
Hi all,
Started my rads this week so I have now had 5, my skin looks and feels ok so far.
How long does it take to go red and hot?? Does that happen to everyone?
I am using the cream and trying to drink water ( rather have my coffee).
If the rest go like this week then I should be ok.
Lorraine x
Hi All
Well 1 week on from finishing rads, and I think I am more tired now that last week, (sorry all those just starting, I’m sure its going to start getting better very soon). My skin almost looks as if it is going brown just as sunburn does, only its also spotty, probably from all the cream. The colouring is in a nice square shape! joy.
Well have a good week
I still dont get how sunburn can be square…its just wrong lol. I had my last session this morning and took ‘team’ biscuits in for the girls and jaaaaames for tea break time lol. Got waved off with a never want to see you again and take care. Saw the onc who said ill see you in 3 months…no you blooming wont thats christmas day and im getting drunk…so he chortled and said fair one ill have to see you before then…so off I went doing a gentle skip.
Second stage planning…hmmm finished rads…right off to see the gynae peeps to get my tuuubes tied now. So had a luuurverly chat with the gynae and he said yup ill sort your tubes, I need to examine you is that alright…well duuuuuuur your a gynae and i didnt have a bath before coming up for no reason lol. It was well weird…oh right you want the bottom half of me not the top half…that makes a change lol…lots of chuckles from said gynae. So he felt my tummy…which amused me…hmm doc my ovaries are on the inside…your worrying me now lol. So he started going hmmmmm mmmmm a lot which must be standard doc language for somethings not right. So in he went with the gadget and hmmd a bit more…and then ‘went in’ without the gadget…now I know how cows feel is all im saying! Anyway, hes found a cyst on my left ovary about golf ball sized…it wasnt there in january (full internal organ scan jobby) and now its sodding huuuge. Hes not going to take any chances at all…he said could be nothing…but he is concerned. I have to go back next wednesday for more scans, proddings etc. Ive had my bloods taken today (hospitals and needles grrr). So now its just fingers crossed. He did say that I would be having surgery within the next 3 weeks as hes not happy. Hell remove cyst and ovary and tie tube on the other side and leave that one in…however, (and we all know docs like that word) he did say that while hes in there he will make a judgement call if he finds anything untoward. I told him…doc you find anything untoward you take the whole bloooming lot out…and ill have strawberry jelly for when I come round. He did chuckle at that. He said that I will be in hospital for 3-4 days…and I said…if I can escape after 48 hours post mastectomy…trust me I wont be in for 3-4 days. So all the fun of the fair…top of the world this morning…and back to square one this afternoon…ho hum…poo happens eh. I swear they are building another me up there…one placenta, 4 wisdom teeth, one boob, 25 lymph nodes and now my ovary…hmmm cunning plan methinks
Oh button you poor thing,
You did make me laugh with your comments, well you have to don’t you.
Hubby and me are sure there is a soap opera writer in the sky looking down on us, and just when things start getting boring (normal), in he comes with another story line to get the ratings back up. We keep shouting ‘leave us alone, pick on one of the other familys in the street!’
We will all have to write a book!
love and hugs
Buttons you obviously have a brilliant sense of humour, which you need to get you through all this. Keep cracking the jokes. You keep us all amused.
Lots of love an luck.