Just catching up with this thread, thanks Choccie Muffin for bumping it up, I am still recovering from cat fountain and then reading about the hairdresser and the lung ca comment, oh and then the “only 2 more chemos to go"God and flippin eck I used to hate people saying that along with oh you’r half way there and being bald suits u, why oh why I just cant fathom it”!!! love to u all xx
I was told “please wear your wig as you look like a cancer patient in your hat”. well helloooooo I am a cancer patient!
bgboo… reminds me of someone who said to me when I was out at a restaurant in my scarf, ‘don’t you have a wig…? I always wore my wig in public’. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
We are all so different aren’t we.
bgboo, that’s outrageous! Who on earth told you that!?! (And more to the point, how long did their bruises take to fade?)
Just had to share this with you before I head for the bathroom for a good scrubbing. The cat fountain pump doesn’t work so it needs to be returned (which is a 100 mile round trip). There is some justice on the world (runs off to the bathroom sniggering).
Twinky x
hiya Ladies
Cat fountain???
Had 2 lovely comments over the last couple of weeks
Sent a pic to a “friend” of my new wig and was told - you can’t wear that it will make you look really old!!!
Mother came to see me with stories of friends with cancer…her friend who is around 112 has to have her ear removed and rebuilt and she sat there and said “see it could be worse but on the plus side for her she wears glasses and can get laser eye treatment”…
i nearly spat my drink all over her
this thread really makes me giggle x x
I was at my friends house, been in the wig all day so went off to the loo to take it off and returned with my hat on. Needless to say I haven’t been back to visit her.
Twinky, that really made me smile. There IS justice in the world! And I hope you’ll be out when they pop round for a cup of tea and a whinge about the journey they’ve had all because of the cat…
I am still unclear as to what a cat fountain is, perhaps you could elucidate, Twinky?
I hate other people’s cancer stories! Last week was told by a good friend about a lady in the village whose Mum and daughter both had breast cancer, and she did too, but apparently her daughter has got secondaries now and the outlook is not good. She’s telling me all this, and then realised what she’d said and then said “oh of course that’s not going to happen to you, YOU will be fine” what can you say?! I really didn’t know what to say in response! I know she was well meaning but…
bgboo - that is shocking! Yes don’t rush back to that friend’s house! I never wear my wig - it’s bald or a hat for me!
Jules your story made me spit my tea out too!
With laughter of course!!!
I’m sure it made you feel very insignificant at the time but it read so much like a comic turn…
Take it easy.
Well that’s me thoroughly up to date with this thread now, honestly from cat fountains to ‘looking like you have cancer’. Breathtaking!
Went to see my mum in law a couple of weeks after I finished RADS. She hasn’t been to see me through any of my treatment yet I am greeted with ’ I haven’t seen YOU for ages’ as if I’d been neglecting her.
Ho hum! Hubby working away, 4 year old and being back to work I didn’t even tell her I’d had to drag my hubby there to visit lol!
Carolyn x
Hi All,
The funny things people say! My Mum had a cataract removal In November and got an infection. Cleared just before I was diagnosed. We were recently chatting and she was saying how nasty her eye problem had been and how painful and difficult " Oh well" I said, sounding like a wise old person,. " it could be worse", …“oh yes " she said in an understanding knowing way, " I might have had to put up with it all through Christmas”!
I was too staggered to react at all!!
Chin up girls!
Sassy x
saw an aquaintance who i last saw in the waiting room at the breast clinic whilst both waiting for results-she said"i was so relieved when i got a negative result that day-i was petrified"-i knew she knew i was positive so said"you know i was diagnosed positive" she said "yeah-but you’re dead lucky they caught it in time-i mean i couldn’t have coped but you can !"wierd x
Hi - Yes, someone said to me once that ‘Cancer only comes to people who can cope with it’!!! Like we should be pleased we are so strong and therefore it has ‘chosen us’. Some people…
Sadie Xx Xx
Sadie, thanks for clearing that one up. I had thought maybe I had done something wrong in a previous life but no, actually I am A Chosen One! Gosh, aren’t we lucky!!
On telling my ‘friend’ i had been dx with breast cancer her response was: ‘Well I wont offer to help, I’ll wait till you ask’. Needless to say I haven’t ‘asked’!
This wasn’t well-meaning but it was incredibly annoying…
I’m applying to get a small pension early due to my stage IV diagnosis and needed my GP to sign some forms, basically saying that I’m a bit stuffed. I went to hand the forms in at the busy surgery (in an envelope marked ‘Confidential’) and got an officious, obnoxious receptionist:
Me “Id’ like to leave this for Dr X. It’s a form I need him to fill in”
Her “You’ll need to sign a form. You’ll probably be charged for it you know. You’ll need to take it out of the envelope so I can see it”
Me “Um actually it’s confidential”
Her (bristling) “Well what is it then? Is it a holiday form?”
Me “No. Actually I’ve got terminal cancer and I need him to sign this form so I can apply for my pension”
At least she had the decency to blush and look “black affronted” (as my granny would say).
Rant over.
This was well-meaning and not at all annoying -
My nephew Stuart to his daughter, 7 yr old Harriet, my god-daughter -
‘Great-Aunt Marj has dots on her chest’
Harriet ‘What’s that for?’
Me ‘So the man knows where to shine the special light to make me better’
Harriet ‘Can I join the dots up?’
Me ‘Of course you can’
Harriet ‘Auntie Marj, it doesn’t make a picture - ask the man to put the dots in the right place next time’
That made me feel SO much more cheerful!!! God bless her.
Brilliant! Made me chuckle too
Alesta29, your post made me think of something that happened to a friend of mine recently. Her daughter in law has breast cancer and she was told that all her family and friends and anyone she is likely to come into contact with should have the 'flu jab. My friend rung her surgery and spoke to the receptionist who told her, curtly, that the only people who need to have the 'flu jab are those who live in the same house. My friend explained that she would be looking after her grandchildren so she was likely to come into contact with her daughter in law. The receptionist said if she wanted to have the jab she would have to pay for it.
That afternoon her son went into the same surgery and said he had been told that he should have the 'flu jab. The receptionist asked for his name and when he told her she said “I have had your wife on the phone this morning and I have told her she cannot have the jab and she will have to pay for it”. Her son said “You can’t have spoken to my wife because she is having chemotherapy today - you must have spoken to my mother” Blushes all round.
I can’t believe my friend was treated in such a manner when her daughter in law is ill and she is concerned about her, her son and her grandchildren!
Maude xx