went to see oncologist 25/01/11 supposed to be starting my y

had my operation december grade3 nodes neg have seen oncologist and returned agasin yesterday supposed to start chemo 27/01/11 but she told me i have to have my teeth seen to first they are trying to get me appointment with dentist at beatson but dont seem to be having much luck has this happened to anyone else would be grateful for feedback thanks haribo

Hi haribo
this didn’t happern to me but I imagine it’s because you can’t visit dentist during chemo due to high risk of infection. So If u need any urgent work it must be done b4 u proceed.
Hope u get sorted + can start chemo soon. All the best x

Hi Haribo

I had to get a tooth sorted before chemo mainly because some chemo gives you ulcers and a grotty mouth so it’s best to have your mouth in a good state before starting.

During chemo, I had a mishap and had to get another tooth fixed, they put me on precautionary antibiotics for a week afterwards, so maybe they could do that with you if it’s infection tgey are worried about?

All the best and big hugs for your chemo!

Cat xxx

thanks gingerbud did get to see dentist today had 2 extractions go back next tuesday for clean and start chemo wednesday was so terrified from dentist but my breast nurse got me someone excellent appreciate your reply thanks haribo

i had to see my dentist as needed a filling… fisrt filling in 25 years! bloody typical hey… but dentist was a bit rough and drilled into my gum and i ended up fainting in the reception and had to get my folks to come and get me… was my worst dentist experience and have changed to one of the other partners since then.

Hi Haribo

Glad you’ve got your teeth nearly sorted out. Although it’s caused a bit of delay it would be far worse if you’d developed a tooth abscess or something like that during chemo - that could have delayed it a lot longer. With white cells lowered during chemo it’s hard to fight infections.

My chemo was delayed as I had to have a portacath fitted and also had terrible problems with seromas and my wound reopening. These things happen but in the scheme of things I was reassured that a week or two or three was unlikely to make much difference at all.

Hope all goes well for you.
take care, Elinda x