What brand to try if can’t take Accord Letrozole

Like many others on this site I have found the side effects of Letrozole so bad I want to stop. My side effects are nausea/achy shoulders/difficulty walking/sleep disturbance and tiredness.  I had a grade 3 tumour removed in April. (Nodes Clear). After radiotherapy started on Letrozole in July. The side effects are effecting my quality of life. I am trying Pilates/yoga weekly to try to cope but I have worked out that the Accord brand don’t suit me at all. GlenMark was slightly better. I am going to try other brands before I go back to my oncologist and ask to be taken off Letrozole. My question is which brand should I try? 

Hi Karen99,

Thanks for sharing your experience with Letrozole. While you wait for other users to respond to this thread, you could chat with our clinical nurse specialists about this treatment and its brands on 0808 800 6000. Or you could post to the Ask Our Nurses board.

Best wishes,


Hi Karen I’m the same as you with the letrozole, I started it in the beginning of October , my first one was accord i was awful on that but gave it a good go. Then I tried Glenway which was a bit better for 2 weeks then back to how I was on accord but this time more pain in hands and arms this week I’m going to start on cipla so fingers crossed this will be better if not I’m going to ask if there’s anything else instead of letrozole . I’m wanting to go back to work in January but if I’m not any better it’s going to be difficult, I’ll have to get up at 5 so I’m moving and pain killers have worked a bit before I get to work. I work in a hospital so it’s very busy as you can imagine. I don’t know about you but I can’t face feeling like this for the next 5 years. I feel like I’ve aged 20 years in a few months!