What do you wish you had aske

I have my first appointment with my oncologist tomorrow.

I had a therapeutic mamoplasty/lumpecomy & senial node removal in mid April.

My nodes were clear but the lump was grade 3, Er+, PR+, HER2 neg.

Ive been waiting for the results of the Oncotype dx test to help evaluate whether I need chemo as well as radiotherapy & hormone therapy.

Im 43 yos with no family history & have been swept along with what the drs & nurses have been telling me. So when I see the oncologist tomorrow I was hoping for a bit of advice on what do you wish you had asked in your meetings / what was your best question?

Wishing everyone reading a strong recovery xx


@bettyb24 I too had the same diagnosis as you, but I had 28 lymph nodes removed. I remember my first question was: what was the survival rate. The next question was the risk of recurrence. Wishing you an informative meeting with your onc. Hugs,


:heart:if you haven’t already been checked for brca gene ask about it :heart: also ask about boosters if you are having radiotherapy :heart: if you have to have chemo ask how many and which type of chemo you will be having :heart: remember this will be tailored specifically for you :heart: and can change during your treatments :heart: ask about a wig voucher too if you are to have chemo :heart: and there are complimentary therapies you are entitled to ask at your Macmillan and also sign up for look good feel better course at your Macmillan too if you haven’t already :heart: well all be virtually with you at your appointment :heart::two_women_holding_hands::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx