What does a lymph node feel like?

I’m aware that there is a HUGE variation in the texture/feel of the breast lumps many of us have experienced, but I was just wondering for those of you who have had swollen lymph nodes what the feel/texture of those has been, does that tend to vary greatly too?

I have a grape sized lump in my aprmpit, which is quite mobile, but texture wise the only way I can explan it (and please forgive me for doing so) is it feels like a small testicle (which is why I’m thinking its a gland.

Does this sound similar to other experences?

Also - and I’m a bit overwhelmed by this, but I was talking to someone on another b/c support site a couple of days ago who said with a swelling in my armpit as well as the lumps in my breasts I should ask for a full MRI as well as the usual ultrasound, and breats investigation I’m bookedd in for - has anyone else been given this advice? I feel like I’m being really over the top even suggesting it if its not usual!!

Thanks guys!


if its in your armpit and its a swollen lump i would say its most likely a lymph node, if they dont find anything on the usual tests yea ask for further tests.

The only sign I had breast cancer at all was a small lump deep in my armpit which a core biopsy showed to be an enlarged lymph gland containing breast cancer cells. Although I had mammograms and ultrasounds to the breast, no tumours showed up there, but the docs were certain that there was a primary hiding somewhere. It took an MRI scan to pinpoint TWO tiny tumours in my breast, and cancer cells had spread to that one lymph gland.

The enlarged armpit node was the size and shape of a large grape, smooth, mobile and painless.

Lymph nodes are glands that play an important part in your body’s defense against infection. They produce lymph, which travels throughout your body in the lymph system, and filters impurities from the body.

Hope this helps, and very best wishes to you.


yeah, thanks that really helps.

I’m pretty relaxed now that my appointment date is approaching, but guess its probably good i ask my most stupid questions before i see the dr so i don’t look too dim!! :slight_smile:

I’ve kind of presumed that the one in my armpit (although its not that high up) was a lymph node, and its smooth and more moble than the other lumps, and as i think i said earlier grape size, however it seemed to come up really suddenly, and so i’ve been keeping a close eye on it, and now it feels as though there may be something else coming up behind it, deeper into the space under my arm, although its so awkwardly placed I can’t quite ctach it at the right angle to figure out if its more than paranoia or not.

Either way I’ll be being prodded by the pros on friday, so will ask them if i’m still wondering.

Thanks for the advice though.


Sorry to bump this post, but in terms of armpit lumps I have developed more this week - so having started with just one lump in one breast in January, its gone quickly from that to a lump in each breast, and one in my arm pit, to TWO lumps in one armpit, and it feels like a 3rd possibly lurking behind those 2.

Is it usual for stuff in your armpit to pop up quite quickly, and am I right in thinking that its more likely to be nothing serious if my body is reacting at this quick rate?

Cheers guys, its just so gutting every time I find a new growth!!


Dear Cludgie

I’m sorry I don’t have the answer to your questions but just wanted to say sorry you are having such worry right now. When are you seeing somebody about this?

Best wishes
Ruby xx

Thanks Ruby, its now a month since I saw the GP the first time, and much light at the end of the tunnel as I’m at the hospital friday, but, as I said whilst waiting I’ve gone from one lump to possibly 5

In all honesty I’m not sure which ones I’d just not investigated thoroughly enough to find, and which ones have developed recently, certainly the most recent lymph node type lump is very new (last 2 weeks), I’m hoping that the speed of growth is a good thing.

anyway thanks so much for your support!


Cludgie - sorry I also don’t have any answers but also just wanted to send you some hugs whilst you are waiting… I think the not knowing is actually one of the worst bits…

Theresa x

It’s horrid when you have so much worry Cludgie…and I sympathise with you! Try not to assume too much before Friday (hard I know), but it’s so easy to get worked up into a state.

If it helps to calm you, my own enlarged lymph gland stayed at just the one since the day I found it on Boxing Day 2006 'til when I had surgery in March 2007.

Lymphs swell for other reasons other than the spread of cancer cells, such as infection somewhere, and even in normal circumstances they can be felt (try feeling the ones in your neck just below your ears, and you will see what I mean)!

Try not to panic, Friday is not too far away. Big hugs and best wishes.
