what does cording look like.

I had my snb and wle on 28th dec I’m going for my checkup tom and results and this morning i noticed what felt like a big vein in my armpit. It doesnt really hurt just doesnt feel nice.
I was wondering is this cording that you can get after surgery.
If anyone knows please can you let me know.

Hi Fran,

Yes, unfortunately it does sound like cording. I had it midly but it went away on its own.

Have a look at the following, it may help


Hope yours clears soon


Hi Fran
I also had a bit of cording but physio plus stretching exercises soon got rid of it. I find if I don’t do the exercises regularly it tends to come back again.

P.S. Here’s a link to a photo of cording:

Cording is caused when the lymph vessels that have been blocked off by node removal, they sort of stagnate as the lymph cannot flow, and they shrivel and shrink, that means the internal “string” is not long enough, so a very common effect is that they restrict your range of movement: it feels tight to stretch out your arm. And you can often see what looks like a string pulled tight under the skin.

The Lymphoedema section has a lot more information, and your breast care nurses can refer you to physios or specialist LE nurses who will help deal with it.

You mention a vein, and chemo can make the blood a bit ‘sticky’- but especially so with Tamoxifen. It is a very small risk, but is a risk even without Tamoxifen, so do get whoever sees you to check that it isn’t a small blood clot (can be checked with an ultrasound if the operator knows what they are doing).

I have just received an official apology from my onc. for failing to spot mine. But she did explain that as lymphoedema is more common than a blood clot, it is difficult unless you’re looking out for it. She has now used pics of mine and the ultrasound scan to educate the team in what to look out for.

I was convinced I had cording and was treated for 4 months for lymphoedema and all the symptoms were very similar. Don’t panic though, just double-check - it is all resolvable.


Hi thanks for comments it has helped although I’m still not sure what it is.
It doesn’t feel tight when I stretch my arm out but it is like string under the skin,actually makes me cringe, normally I’m not squeemish but even looking at my boob is horrible. It does feel tight round tje back of my arm just below my armpit ,if that makes sense. My nipple is really inverted now more than it was, I’m still quite tender and because I’ve not worn normal underwire bra my other boob is aching.
I’ll get it checked out tom just praying no more ops for me but who knows what they will say…fingers crossed for me ladies. Then Onc on thursday -does anyone know how long chemo starts after 1st appt.
Love fran