What does thickening mean

Thickening , what does that mean in simple terms …
I have noticed a lumpy area in the same breast that had the lumpectomy on .
It’s fairly big and can be seen when I check in the mirror , as it has changed the shape of my breast .
I contacted the breast nurse helpline , but no response . Should I try my GP .


Catnip :heart: any changes to breast please go and get yourself checked by professional for piece of mind :heart: after surgery your breast can change as the tissue settles and again after rads, I know mine did after my therapeutic mammoplasty (I didn’t have lumpectomy) and I went and got it checked straight away for peace of mind, for me it was right I’ll just get professionals to give that a check. Please let us know how you get on :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx (Community Champion BCN Forum)

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Ive had a double mastectomy. But on the right side where the cancer was and I had radiotherapy I have scar thickening and its a bit lumpy.

I asked my breast nurse about it, She felt it and said it was scar tissue and to use oil and massage daily.

Id definitely give your breast nurse another call to be sure as they should get you straight in.


Dear Catnip,

I have had similar problems - only just last month I noticed what I thought was a new lump in a breast where I had had a reduction to match the lumpectomy breast. Definitely get it checked out by your GP as soon as possible. I e-mailed my GP the next morning and they got me in to see a GP later on that day, who did the referral to the Breast Clinic. Cue very nervous waiting for the appointment in a week’s time but luckily it was nothing nasty. Always get your GP or Breast Nurse to see you quickly for peace of mind - good luck!


I’m hoping it is that , just a tad concerned as the ‘lumpy part ‘ isn’t near any scarring or where the cancer was . ( though same breast of course )
Tried getting through again but no response . I’ll call my doctor on Monday x

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:heart:catnip :heart:keep on at someone till you get checked over for peace of mind :heart: do let us know how you get on :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx (Community Champion BCN Forum)

I will , thank you

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Thankfully my doctor has put in a fast track referral
Could take 2/4 weeks but it’s a start and could be sooner x

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One area of my breast felt thick and harder than the rest for a while and my breast was a bit of a funny shape there but there was some oedema and it disappeared very gradually .
Hope it’s something simple Catnip
Joanne. X


Glad yours was nothing nasty , Fingers crossed that’s mine too , I’m not too concerned now x


Did not think it would be that quick , I have an appointment on 27th x


They do try to get you in quickly - that’s good xx


Catnip :heart: that’s good you will be seen quickly :heart: it’ll give you peace of mind and glad you’ll be getting mamo and ultrasound :heart: we’re here and do let us know how you get on :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Needs checked by a consultant



Thankfully fluid build up .
Checked me out and did an ultrasound . Feeling more relaxed about it now .
Glad I went and had it checked

Thank you everyone xx


Catnip :heart: thanks for update :heart: do keep vigilant and checking yourself and always get anything checked out :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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I will for sure and thank you , take care xx

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