What does this mean.

Hello im really new, have been too nervous to ask as i seem to not really know too much about cancer which i dont! Well lve had my op left wide local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy 2 weeks ago. I was just looking at the letter sent to me just after i was diagnoised it says assessment p5 R5 u5 B5b. Anyone know what this stands for. Results are due 23rd. lm so scared. Im a single mum with a beautiful 19 yr old daughter at uni. So worried for her. she is my life. Everything is worrying me.


I wish I knew myself hun… I have my WLE and SNB on the 27th November…only advice I can give you have you rung your breast nurse… she might be able to help or have some clue… I had a written summary from my consultant after diagnosis … didnt have those letters on tho… good luck!! and let me know what they mean just in case xxx big hugs

I agree with Sandra call your breast care nurse and talk to her if she does not know she will find out for you. I had my WLE and SNB on 30 Oct and got my path results on 9 Nov and first oncology appointment on 15 Nov. Have not heard any of these mentioned. It is important for you to find out you could maybe even call the BCC helpline which is open on a Sat morning they may be ablle to explain or put your mind at rest until you can contact someone who will be able to tell you.

HI tomorrow will b…

If you need to talk this through with someone please don’t hesitate to give the BCC helpline a call and talk this through with a member of staff there. All the helpline staff are there to offer you a listening ear and emotional support as well as practical information. The number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open today from 10 to 2pm and Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Its all so worrying. Every bit of news I get I will pass on to you guys.Sandra good luck for 27th. Mapie let me know what happens wih oncology ive been told its a 4 week wait after results for appointment. Thanks everyone x

Hello Tomorrow Will Be…

These codes are something to do with the way they have diagnosed you. R means radiology/radiography (mammogram) U means ultrasound, B means biopsy. I’m not sure what the P stands for, possibly palpation? So far as I can ascertain (from an NHS guideline document here [Withdrawn] Breast screening: pathology reporting of breast disease - GOV.UK page 90) there are five numbers ranging from 1 (benign) to 5 (malignant). This actually does not tell you very much at all! If you look at the CRUK website you can find more information on staging here http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/type/breast-cancer/treatment/tnm-breast-cancer-staging or the BCC website there is a good leaflet you can download here http://www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/publications/diagnosed-breast-cancer/understanding-your-pathology-report-bcc161

[EDIT since posting I did a bit more searching through past posts (cos I knew someone had asked this before) and on proper websites. It seems it is called a BI-RADS score, and is what I said above]

Hopefully once you get to discuss it with your team, things will be clearer. Don’t be freaked by the scores of ‘5’ it is things like stage and grade that will determine the treatment; so far as I can tell the numbers you have quoted won’t tell you that.

As others have siad, do phone your team - what you want to know if the grade and size (of the tumour and the results of the sentinel node biopsy. These last two determine the stage

Thank you Revcat, im just about going out of my mind with worry. Will be counting the hours until friday.At least then good or bad i’ll know .Many thanks x

Yes Revcat you are right, its results from assessment appointment it shows all my tests was 95% cancer. They actually told me this there and then it was cancer, so at leastI did’nt have to wait for results. Still not sure about p. Many thanks.x

Posted on behalf of new user Pam

hi my names pam, i new to this site ,i was told Nov 14 i had DCIS in my right breast, i was told its low grade im due to go in for my op 27th Nov. wondered if any body, was in same situation x

Hi Pam I am in the same position. I have been diagnosed with 2 sites of DCIS in my right breast and I go in on Monday for a SLNB to chek the lymph nodes are clear. Hopefully the result will be clear, if so the next step for me is a mx and reconstruction. I am really worried about the pain of the tracer injection read to many Americam websites, but the ladies on this forum has been brill. What op are you going in for? Now the penny has dropped that I have early stages BC I have been on an emotional roller coaster and still in SHOCK. Let me know own you get on.

Revcat P is Palpation…the way it feels when examined is also taken into account in diagnosis. P1 can’t feel anything, P2 feels benign P3 probably benign P4 probably malignant P5 Malignant.
Tomorrow will b…I hope you get an action plan soon. It is all so overwhelming at first. You might find ringing the Helpline at BCC useful if you need anything explained. I always used them when I had a nagging worry. It was so reassuring and the Helpliners are all so well qualified to answer your queries. Tel 0808 800 6000 Mon- Fri 9-5 Sat 10-2.
BCC have a booklet Understanding your Results(i think that is what it is called) which explains things well. You can download it from the publications section of the website or ring the Helpline and they will put one in the post for you.