What happens at 1st check up

Hi all,
Had grade III lump removed along with 3 lymph nodes. Thankfully lymph nodes were clear but had to have chemo FEC followed by 25 radiotherapy sessions and 5 booster sessions. Due for first check up on 08.08.08 and wondered what to expect. Can anyone please put me in the picture as getting quite anxious. Also when would my next mammogram be. Is it a year after first one or after radiotherapy treatment finished?

Many thanks for any advise. Pam xxxx

I had mammogram every 6 months for first 2 years post dx then annually. Good Luck.

I was dx in Jan and finished rads at end of April … 1st check up after rads finished was just a bit of a chat about how things had gone and the obligatory grab & grope. As I understand it the 1st mammo is a year after the dx …good luck with your check-up, it’s a good day to have it cos that’s my b’day so it will be lucky :slight_smile:

I had the first annual mammogram a year after diagnosis. The waiting for the result was dire, but thankfully ok.
Good luck