What happens at the planning appointment?

And why does it take 2 hrs?!

I understand a quick CT scan to plan from, and marker tattoos, and see the consultant (why? I only saw him last week!). Anything else?

I am going to this one alone so like to be prepared to stop the wobbles from happening! I have no idea why I wobble, especially being from the medial world myself, but I still do!!

I can’t tell you why it would take 2 hours… mine only took twenty minutes. They get you lying on the board (not as simple as it sounds), with your arms draped lovingly above your head like the best page 3 model on a sun lounger, then you slide back and forth in and out of a machine that looks like something off Stargate. (Except it really isn’t as pornographic as I’ve just made it sound). At some point during this process they’ll be measuring you, and scratching tiny dots on your person, and if you have had a mx they will comment that one of the measurements is in thin air (how reassuring), and then they will tell you that it will all be easy, to slap on aqueous cream (but aloe vera is better - the 99.9% stuff, get some), that you may get red and sore but they will keep an eye on it, and that’s it. What they didn’t mention to me is the noise the actual machine makes when you first get zapped… a loud grinding sort of noise (back to the porn)… which made me a bit nervous that the whole thing was going to explode but is actually normal.

It really isn’t hard - and I can’t see how it could take so long - maybe they just know that they never run to time?


Hmmmm. Sounds simple enough! I’m not sure how they could be running late with an 8.30am appointment - although i know that may hospital departments still manage!

I have just had a good giggle at the porn comments - so will likely be giggling through my appointment rather than wobbling now though. Thanks xxx.

Mine didn’t take anything like 2 hours either, even though they had to do it all twice as I have had rads before and they mustn’t overlap. At least I didn’t have to have a new set of tattoos. Perhaps it’s a general estimate of the time you might have to spend at the hospital, and perhaps some cancers take longer to calibrate.

Hi all,

Mine took about 1.5 hours in total including a quick chat with one of the radiographers on what to expect and how to care for the area during treatment. I was on the simulator for quite a while whilst they decided on what was the optimum treatment area and the radiologist came in towards the end to approve the final position. Lots of pen marks on my chest but at least they washed off! I was tattooed with 5 small black dots which I’m told will fade over time.

During the time I was on the simulator with my arm up the staff constantly checked that I was okay and gave me several rests with my arm down to avoid discomfort or cramping. Try to keep up with your post surgery exercises as this really does make a difference with rads.

I didn’t have a CT scan it was all done on a simulator. However I had already had two scans earlier in connection with dx and chemo so maybe I didn’t need another one.

Thankfully the individually treatment sessions are short which minimises any discomfort, although sometimes there was a long wait if they were running behind but then my appointments were late in the afternoon.


I love the way you described how we lay on the slab Triphazard haha I will think of that tomorrow when I have my 12th of 15 that’ll put a smile on my face.

As for length of time the planning for me took 20 mins then chat with your oncologist/ Rads nurse I was in the Rads clinic about an hour in all felt longer… all to prepare you for what to expect creams to use the Do’s & Don’t,s time for you to ask any questions … dont worry about the tattoos they are tiny little pin pricks 2 - 3 at most & you can hardly see them I have to really look to find mine

Once your treatments start usually about a week after planning you soon settle into it & the treatment time is only 5 - 10 mins tops nothing like the planning & more comfy than the planning … if you have prefered times that you’d like your appointments tell them & although they normally have these already on paper they will change times about to suit you where possible if you dont ask you wont get !

Nothing to worry about & If you’ve had chemo you will find rads a breese :slight_smile:
Mekala x


I had my planning via a CT scan rather than the simulator as the simulator in Oxford being replaced at the time.

My appointment was on a Saturday so went quite quickly as Dept not busy.

(1) Had a chat with Nurse about skin care; agreed I wouldn’t become pregnant during treatment (I’m 51! my hubby was with me & haven’t seen him blush so much for ages). That lasted approx 20 mins as she also went through appointment times for the treatment itself to check I could make them OK. She also answered all my questions (I wrote these out before I went so I wouldn’t forget).

(2) Planning itself; I had to have a photo taken so they could make sure the right person turned up (who would want to have RT if they didn’t need to). Then a few questions about any physical issues with having arm above head etc. They explained what would happen before I got on the table.

(3) Session itself went quite quickly or seemed to as they measured and wrote all over me; couldn’t see some of it; they promised it wasn’t noughts & crosses. I had 3 tatoo marks (left/right & centre)Had the CT scan itself; machine quite noisy after this I got dressed & they showed me the scan as I asked to see it. Apparently nothing there that shouldn’t have been.

Whole thing went very smoothly; staff really nice and took approx 40 mins in total.

I had DCIS and as I had no lump I found it difficult to acknowledge at times I had anything wrong. Seeing the area where I’d had the surgery helped as it gave visual evidence that an area had been removed.

Oh they also put wire over the scar line so this could be seen on the CT scan.

Take care

hello ladies , i had my appt at he clinic ( Q .E ) 9 this morning , i got there at 9 , by 9.40 i was on way home , they were so prompt , however i was upset not to see my onc as needed to talk to her re work and she had said she would be there , start rads 14th july , 17 sessions and please god i can move forward , good news is i finish rads 5 days before we go away for much needed break , only gt yarmouth but so looking forward to it , i`ll prob sleep for most of it !!