What happens next ? Currently in Chemo but surgery planned

I have a lump in my right breast which after 3 rounds of chemo (FEC) has shrunk from over 30mm to just about gone to the touch. My original lymph node biposy showed cancer as well.


Started new chemo T & H last week.


I’ve not had an ultrasound of the lump or my lymph nodes since the original one (plus the original MRI scan at the start).


The plan was originally to use Chemo to shrink the lump then have surgery. No mention has been made of my lymph nodes apart from a comment from the surgeon that they would probably be removed as well.


My question is what happens before surgery and during surgery? What kind of surgery? Do I have  any choices or options.


I’m not fretting, just trying to find out as much as I can. It helps me to understand the process ahead. The Chemo, although shrinking the lump, has been a nightmare and I don’t want to walk into the next part not understanding my alternatives.


Do they normally do an ultrasound or MRI first? How do they decide how much to take of the breast or the lymph nodes?


Anyone else who has been thorough something similar happy to share their experiences please.