What Happens next?


I was wondering if anyone could let me know what to expect next. I have had 2 x surgery, ct and bone scan (all NED) - chemo - 3 FEC, 1 Taxotere, 1 abandoned Taxotere, 2 CMF and 30 sessions rads. Have been on Tamoxifen since starting rads. Do I have more scans? Just check ups and presumably annual mammogram on unaffected side. (Had mas and recon on other.)
Starting to get nervous about it all finishing - never thought I would say that!!

Please take care, love



I’m coming to the end of my treatment as well. My BCN has arranged to see me a month after treatment has finished and I already have the first 6 monthly appointment with the Breast Surgeon booked. But I realise that having seen medical professionals regularly throughout the last 8 months, I will feel a bit on my own. In my case my scar area is still numb and the sensation is slowly coming back.

You could ask your BCN what you can expect.

with love Pauline