It’s been a long 8 weeks I can tell you! When I found my lump I told myself I’d be ok, get checked and they would say it all felt “normal”…
I was wrong. Doc felt it to and booked me into the breast cancer clinic… but I would be ok, I’d go and this next doctor would tell me that everything was ok…
I was wrong. he sent me down for an ultrasound. That’s ok because they would do it and say I was ok…
wrong again… “we can’t be certain with that one, would you mind us doing a biopsy?”
It’s all “what ifs” until we know for certain, and they drive you ever so slightly batty!
It could still all be ok, most lumps are even those that are biopsied, one thing for certain is knowing what it is whatever the outcome is still a step up from the “what ifs”.
If your wrong then we will be here to pick you up and keep you going don’t worry Xx
I’m sending you good wishes and positive thoughts for your results appointment. Whatever the outcome, be assured that your doctors and medical team are looking out for you. Fingers crossed all will be well.
Well, I’ve been and thankfully it’s good news. The lump is a papilloma and not cancer but the cells are abnormal so I have to go in on 10th Oct to remove the tissue around it and they will test it all for pre-cancer cells. My kids are getting extra cuddles I’m so thankful. Hope you all get good news too and thank you so so much for your support Xxx