What is the maximum number of weeks between herceptin?

If there is something that keeps me going, it is the fact that I can go on holidays.
I am planning one month off in August only to realise that bang in the middle I would need a Herceptin treatment.
I am almost sure that if I delay for two weeks, I will need to loading dose again. Does anyone know if treatment have to be within 4 weeks?
If this is the case I need to delay one in May and then one in August. I wonder if they will let me do this.
Same question for Zoladex, it is currently every 28 days. Can it be delayed at all?

Vercors I think you are right in thinking the max with herceptin is 4 weeks otherwise it is the loading dose again. If you juggle around with the dates of a few of your ones leading up to the holiday you should be able to work round your holiday. Usually the chemo units are fairly flexible if you give them enough warning.

I think it isn’t such a problem with zometa.


I also think you are only allowed to extend by a maximun of a week before you have to have a loaded dose again. I had an op the day before my next herceptin (number 8) was due a fortnight ago so have had to miss this one. I am not sure at the mo when I will be able to restart, but whether I have to stay in the unit for the full 6 hours for a loaded dose depends upon how I have been up until now after each treatment.

I did wonder if I could have had my herceptin a bit earlier instead of delaying because of my op, but this was a no-go due to the possible toxicity effect on the heart of doses too close together.

Of course the treatment can be delayed for various reasons such as holidays, ops, muga-scans etc although you need to find out what your units policy is on this.

Out of choice though, I would prefer not to delay my herceptin treatment as the sooner I complete the course then the sooner I can have my portacath removed too!!!