What is the norm in starting chemo/radio?


I have an aunt who was recently diagnosed with BC - invasive carcinoma grade 3. She had a lumpectomy and SLN on 22/Feb. Different oncologists recommended different treatment opinions in Malaysia. She’s hoping to get an idea from other women who have been through. Unfortunately, I am of no help as I avoided both treatments. It’ll be great if you can help us out. Thank you very much.

  1. How long after the surgery before you go for chemo/radio?

  2. Should it be chemo or radio first? Or does it not matter?

I know it varies from patient to patient. But, it’ll be great to have a rough idea.


Hi Gracey, i have similar diagnosis to your aunt. I had surgery on 21st Feb and had my first chemo today. Then I will have rads after my chemo in June.
Hope this helps


I had invasive 3cm, grade 2, start chemo next week, which will be 6 weeks after mastectomy, axillary clearance with 2/27 nodes affected, and immediate recon, and radiotherapy will follow chemo - I was told the chemo has to be done first, I can’t opt for rads and decide next year that I fancy chemo then (as if!) Lyn x

I have to admit this is starting to become a concern to me to.

I was also op on 21st Feb and haven’t even seen the onc yet so 6 weeks on and no idea as to what’s next. No node involvement for me but it was a grade 3 and it triple neg so I believe chemo and/or rads are the only options. I’m starting to get the impression that others are starting further treatment well before me but my Breast Nurse said they like to leave it 8 weeks so wounds can heal first.

I’m not 100% convinced that’s why thought, think they may just be too busy.


Hi Vertangie

I’ve just joined this thread to read what other people are going through and have read yours (and some past one’s). I’m I write in thinking you live near Carlisle CIC and saw a Mr T, because if that’s so I was opted on 10th Jan by Mr Willaims but dx by Mr T. I too was a grade three and triple neg, no lyphm node involvement too. I’m 35 with 2 children aged almost 3 and 6, and after a 12 week wait I’m about to start chemo on Thurs 3rd April.

looking forward to speaking to you - I hope you don’t think I’m nosey!!

Paula xx

I had a similar dx to you ladies and had op 24th Oct 2006,started chemo 14th Dec and rads at end of May 2007.

My regime and the time-scale was very similar to horace’s (op in September, chemo in November and rads in April)



Thank you ladies for your replies. My aunt appreciates your help. Hopefully, she can sort out her further treatment soon. Good luck for the future. xoxo


I’ve forgotten the date of my op - towards the end of Feb and about six weeks before the first treatment discussion with an oncologist on 9.04 - clear margins and mets in 4 out of 19 nodes after state-of-the art nodal mapping/biopsy. (I have no clue about the acronyms or the grade and so forth - not interested - but they do the pre-op radiation photographs and dye treatment as a matter of course in Finland and recovery results in general are rather good, according to the OH.) This wait is nothing like those tough waits after the first call-back to the clinical diagnostician and then the days until surgery - I’m enjoying myself as spring comes on in Scandinavia - but it has occasionally occurred to me that it all might have been a bit quicker. Thanks to those here for the reassurance that the time scale is ‘normal’. Don’t you just love that word ‘normal’?

Best wishes to your aunt, Gracey.
And cheers to all - M-L