Rant coming on… Apologies but not a happy bunny…
Found my lump 25th November and went to the doctor first appointment 28th November who refers me fast track to St James in Leeds.
7th December First doctor says she can’t find a lump but my ribs look a bit swollen, stop wearing underwire fashion bras ( I’m a 36GG believe me there is nothing fashionable about my bra) but as I’m 50 and not been seen yet have a mammogram and scan. All appointments filled so come back tomorrow. Left the hospital feeling like a hypochondriac but relieved that it was all in my head.
8th December Mammogram done, scan done radiologist asks where i felt the lump, showed her and guess what she too has found a lump right where I felt it, not a pea size but 3cm lump and not a cyst so have to stay for biopsies. Results in a week. That actually means we will ring you in a week with an appointment to come in for your result on December 22nd.
22nd December Results day you have Left invasive breast cancer got told I will have a wide local excision and follow up treatment to be confirmed but nodes looked clear on the scan.
Appointment made for a new test micro bubbles where they inject the bubbles into your breast and follow them to your sentinel node while watching on a scan, you then have the sentinel node biopsy with results back in 5 to 7 days so they know what they are dealing with come operation day. Given lovely Mcmillan nurse who said you looked shocked at the diagnosis, told her I felt I was a fraud after what the previous doctor had said and the copy of the doctors letter I had recieved which stated " No lump present advise send pain leaflet, stop wearing underwire bras, rub in ibuprofen gel to the painful area twice a day and take evening primrose oil. Also cut caffine intake (I was never asked if I drank caffinated drinks). Didn’t expect to get told I had a 30mm cancerous lump.
28th December Microbubbles and sentinel node biopsy done operation planned for Friday 6th of January.
Been on the emotional roller coaster for the longest 6 weeks ever but mentally prepared for whatever happens on 6th.
5th January Op confirmed at lunchtime for 7am tomorrow. 4pm another call to cancel operation as leeds hospitals on silver command ???. This means no available beds for anything but emergencies as all Leeds trust beds are full (messaged a nurse friend to ask what this was) they will try to fit me in next Friday January 13th.I told her I was Unhappy with this (I foster and have had make arrangements for my foster child and also have a holiday booked for 5 days away on 28th January without said child for the first time in 2 1/2 years while he is on a residential with school). 15 minutes later I had a call back They can pencil me in for Tuesday 10th if I change consultant… Hell yes I will change consultant she isn’t a friend only met her once. So now it will be Tuesday by another surgeon as long as nothing changes… Is this how it always goes it seems so long and I can almost feel the tumour climbing up my armpit … So sorry but need this off my chest along with the cancer please…