What is this introductions section for? Introduce yourself!

If you’re new to the Breast Cancer Care forums, post a message here to introduce yourself.

Tell us a bit about yourself (where you’re from, why you’ve joined the site) so other forum members can say hello and welcome you to the forums.

And if you’re a regular forum member, do pop in to this section and say “hello” to the newbies and point them to any threads you think they’d be interested in.

I suppose it is a good idea to have a section of the forum where newbies can introduce themselve and ‘meet’ othere who are also having to join this ‘club’ : (
However when i first came on here , nearly 5 years ago now i was new to forums and new to BC and would have been far to shy to post or to admit I had bc - it took ages of brousing before i finally felt able to dip in and comment on anything. Obviously not everyone is like me but I would hate any newbies to feel excluded just because they aren’t brave enough to step up and introduce themselves. All are welcome here especialy those who don’t feel ready to post yet. Just my opinion…
cheers Caroline

Hi ladies,
Im new to this forum but need advice please.
Was diagnosed 14th September this year, had lumpectomy 4th October,
Then had second shaving of breast area with full node clearance 8th November.
Havent got clear margins so mastectomy booked 20thDecember, chemo won’t start until mid to late January.
Am I safe within treatment guidelines is it 31 days?
Question… Does my first lumpectomy count as day one or will my mastectomy be day one.
Im so worried now, as surely I should be told if there are deadlines. I was an intelligent person until I got bc, now feel such a fool, and don’t know who to ask, as not sure of breast nurse. Should I be speaking to oncologist now, as I haven’t seen him yet as still under surgeon, but surgeon should know all this surely.

Any advice welcome…
Maggie x

Hello everyone, i’ve been recently diagnosed with grade 2 ductal breast cancer and i’ve come to this site to find like-minded souls in whom we can find comfort in one another. 3 weeks ago I had 2 seemingly perfectly normal breasts and then completely out of the blue getting dressed one morning ‘WOW where the hell did that come from?’. I’m still reeling from the shock and am now awaiting the results of a CT scan which are quite frankly terrifying me. I do know that it has spread to my lymph nodes and just hope that it hasn’t spread anywhere else but slight breathlessness gives me great cause for concern. The plan is chemo first then mastectomy…what a lovely Christmas present! Let the fun begin…

Hi Maggie and Alpal and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sure your fellow users will be along soon with support and shared experiences and in addition our helpliners are on hand 9-5 during the week and 10-2 Sat so if you wish to call to talk any queries or concerns over then please do so, the number to call is 0808 800 6000

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Just diagnosed’ web page where you will find lots of support ideas and information which I hope will be useful over the coming months:


Best wishes


Hello All
This is my first post, although I have been floating around forum for a couple of weeks now. I was diagnosed in November with IDC, after a routine mamo. I have had SNB which showed positive migration. I was offered a WLE, but the odds were n’t as defined as I would have liked so I am scheduled for a MX with ANC and DIEP on the 10th Jan.
Good grief all that drama in a tiny paragraph! If only the last six weeks could have been that concise. I must say I have a great team looking after me, who could not have been more supportive, but this is a hellish wierd state to find oneself in.
I’m certainly not happy being on planet breast cancer, and I’m looking for the first available flight back to earth. Meanwhile I guess I’ll just have to get on with the here and now, while I dream about sitting in the sunshine by the ocean.

Hi Maggie
I certainaly can empathise with your situation - its the waiting and uncertinty of it all that causes such stress. I had a SNB on the 28th of Nov and now have to wait till the 10th of Jan for a MX, ANC and Diep. This all falls within guide lines and I think things would have moved much quicker had my oncologist/surgeon felt there was a greater risk post path results.
I’m as new to all this as you are and have found my BC nurse to be very helpful. I ask allot of questions and I’m a great beliver in keeping the ball rolling so to speak. I’m sure you are as inteligent today as you were prior to BC, so don’t be shy, its your body, your cancer and there’s help all around us, which is great.
One more week and you will be over another big hurdle, and I hope home for Christmas.
Wishing you all the best

Hi Alpal,
Like you say ‘what a Christmas present’!
When do you go for your CT? I am also Grade 2 with affected lymp nodes.
Hope all goes well for your scan - fingers crossed for you.
All the best

was diagnosed with breast cancer on 15th November 2012 and had my surgery on the 7th December,as the tumour was very high up in the inner quadrant of my right breasti had a therapruitc mammoplasty , stere wire local excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy .i get my results on the 19th December as not it me yet no time to thinck

Hi Ann.G,

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good, honest support from the many informed users of this site who I am sure will be along shortly. In the meantime I have put for you below links to a couple of BCC’s publications you might find helpfu.



Our helpline team are also at hand if you need a good listening ear, they’re just a free phone call away 0808 800 6000, lines ope Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hello everyone,
I got called back after my first ever mammogram, and had another mammogram and a stereotactic core biopsy last Monday, with another appointment for results tomorrow. I don’t have many details of what’s up, other than I have equivocal M3 microcalcifications in an area 20 x 19 x 4 mm in my right outer breast.
I lasted 5 days before I started researching this stuff on the net, and in fact I feel a bit better for having done so. Of course, I’ve spent the week reviewing exactly what was said at my callback appointment - they didn’t make any reassuring “probably benign” noises, which worries me a bit, but they did say that they’ve caught whatever it is very early.
I’m going to spend some time today thinking about what questions to ask tomorrow and how to plan for surgery and therapy if it comes to that. In a weird way this little episode has given me a kick up the backside and made me think a bit about how I live, and even if it turns out there’s nothing much wrong I’m planning to make one or two positive changes.
Good luck to anyone who is also waiting for results, it isn’t much fun, is it?

Hello everyone, I am new to this but like others I have been looking around the site since July when I got the news I have breast cancer. Since July I’ve had the same as maggie1964 surgery wise. I should have had my 3rd chemo last thurs but my veins kept collapsing so I’ve now had a line fitted on xmas eve. My 3rd chemo is now tomorrow and I’m full of a cold so worried how it’s going to effect me and with it being xmas I feel I’ve got the usual people I can ring for support and advice. So happy for any words of wisdom or advise

Thanks RavenDexter

Hi,I am new to here and start 6 FEC on 3rd jean and obviously feeling very apprehensive! Especially concerned about whether to go for a line or not,and also if it is worth going with the cold cap as I really don’t want to lose my hair! Very little advice from hospital on this. Be grateful for any advice!

I’m in a similar situation. Diagnosed earlier this month, had my first FEC 2 weeks ago, and had C T scan and bone scan. I get results of those tomorrow. I have a PICC line. I will say that if you don’t have prominent veins, this is much easier, although it does make your arm a bit sore and there is a risk of DVT.

I chose not to bother with the cold cap, as losing my hair doesn’t bother me, and it is apparently very uncomfortable.

Unless my cancer has spread, the plan of action is 6 x FEC-T, then mastectomy, then radiotherapy then reconstruction.

I’m 47 with 2 boys aged 17 and 14, by the way.

Hi I’m RLrl1
V new to this.
I’m going through reconstructive surgery after DCIS and a masectomy.
I’m just saying hi. Too scared yet to say anymore.