What nightwear is best for in hospital

I’ve recently been diagnosed with DCIS, and awaiting a date for my mastectomy operation. This group has already helped massively, by answering lots of questions on the medical side of things. I just have a couple of smaller queries to make sure I have whatever I need for the practical side of things.

I know the nurse will sort me with a bra, and I’ll buy another myself. Also the cushion thing.

I know I’ll have a drain for quite a while, so I’m wondering what clothes are most practical for after the surgery while in hospital, and recovering at home. Are front fastening nighties and pyjamas the best, or does it actualy matter?

Many thanks in advance


I’d say front fastening is best, otherwise the position of the drains etc can leave you either stuck in the nightie, or with tubes at awkward angles.

I always find hospitals massively overheated, so I’d try not to take anything too warm. A longer nightdress and/or pj trousers can make it a little less embarrassing as you struggle a little getting in and out of bed ‘decently’ at times (not that anyone really cares!).

My drains were in for 4 days, so I just stayed with the pjs for that, but if you want outside clothes then again think front fastening - blouses, cardigans - and softer, natural materials might be more comfortable.