What questions to ask when results are given



A close friend has had biopsies (16 in total) and is getting the results at the end of the week.  She has been told to take someone with her as it can be hard to take in the information.  I am going to support her, and while I can give emotional support as i know her really well I need to know I am covering all the bases in terms of getting the right infomration from professionals.


Can anyone give me advice please on what we need to know and what questions we should be asking?



Hi susie
What a fantastic friend to have! I found that the information in the leaflets on this site and macmillan site were good. If you Can download/print out and takewwith you
good luck to your friend x
sheena x

Thankyou both for taking the time to reply.  Unfortunately it wasn’t good news and an op is planned in just over a week’s time.  The advice to listen and write was spot on as the information went over head once the word cancer was spoken.


Thanks again

Hi susiebee,
What a lively friend you are, i hope that the nrws is berrer than you each fwar.
I did some reading before my results and tried to make my questions closed questions, those that have a YES / NO answer, this was for ease of answering quickly whilst still trying to listen, i also had the response written so i just had to circle the answer.
I tried ti logicall place the questions with the
best outcome first.
Fingers crossed for you bith
LL xx

Some surgeons and oncologists permit use of a dictator to record the mtg, I know my consultant did, might be worth asking?

Hi susiebee,

My post seems out of sync with yours. Sorry to hear that your friend has surgery ahead of her. I hope you may be able to keep attending with your friend for the next few appts to continue being her support and ears. I had 3 different fruends comung with me due to work commitments, but was so grateful for their support.

I found a book by Debrough Hutton… How can i help, 75 practical ways very useful. And a slim but brilliant booklet Emotional support thru breast cancer by cordelia galcut was spot on
for my anxieties and confusions. Both sourced via Amazon

Thinking of you both,

LL xx