what should i expect?


I am 34 and found out i had breast cancer when i was pregnant.I decided to have a double mastectomy due to watching so many of women in my family fight it.I had op in september.I also decided to have ovaries done as i watched mum die of ovarian cancer and didnt want to chance my children to have to go through that.awaiting for date now.last week i got results that i have BRACA 1 gene so know even moreso that ive made right decision for me.im really worried about my children now though and pray they have the good genes of me.

I might not be able to get hrt and i dont want to turn into a monster i had terrible mood swings with my monthlys.any suggestions on what to expect emotionally with menopause and how to cope i would be grateful for.


hi michelle, im 32 yrs old and mum to 2 children im brca2 positive and had ovaries removed 2 months ago and now going to set date on 31st oct for mastectomy. michelle the menopause is hard i will go on hrt after op and i cant wait. but im dealing with it the thing is i keep reminding myself the menopause cant kill me ovarian cancer can. the physical symptoms can be difficult as we are also very young and surgical menopause is more severe than natural menopause as ours bodies have nt had anytime to prepare for menopause. along with loads of other clinical reasons. i am struggling with it but then everyone is different im not sure how u will be but i would encourage u to ask lots and lots of questions and speak about it a lot as i know its not easy…keep me posted on your progress xx

Hi Michelle i’m 44, brca2 as well and had ovaries removed Jan this year. I thought the same as anon1, a few hot flushes won’t kill me ovarian cancer can. Its been more than a few hot flushes though and a struggle at first but not as bad as i thought it would be. I was very moody with my monthlys but found after my op the only real thing to bother me was these hot flushes, but now they aren’t that bad. I take evening primrose oil now, not sure if they helped or not, coz the flushes were getting less frequent anyway. I cant take hrt but was told by doctor if things got bad to see her as there was stuff they could prescribed. But everyone is different and you just don’t know how you’ll be.
Take care x

Hi Michelle
I too underestimated the menopause. How bad could a couple of hot flushes be!?
The flushes themselves werent so bad - but the fact that they wake you up in the night numerous times is the killer!
I was prescribed a calcium supplement by my GP as soon as I had the op (ADcal3 or something), but your hormones have such an effect on everything not just bones (emotions, healing, skin elasticity, libido, hair condition, body shape, urinary system to name a few), that it all took me by surprise. I am on HRT (Livial: a non-hormone-based one) for a few years, but will then have to try the alternatives. There are a few books on it (Miriam Stoppard, Dummies guide to… etc,). But I think you may have to try a few things before you find what works for you.
Even though I am on HRT, my body shape has changed, so that my fat is stored around my middle, and under my arms/rear of my armpits - which is tricky because I keep getting some sort of rash/infection in my armpits (probably heat rash/candida or something) which just will not go away. I am not fat by any means but I am going to have to lose weight to see if it improves. Still thats better than worrying about cancer all the time.
After mastectomy and surgical menopause life has not gone back to how it was before physically or emotionally, the menopause definitely is a big change - for me its a case of doing the best I can.
Good luck

Hi Michelle I had a mastectomy in 2006 and my ovaries removed in 2007, as my dad and 2 other family members had breast cancer I am waiting for my genetic test this November. All my freinds say because I have got 3 sons they will be okay and although I want the test I am still nervous for them.Going through a rough menopause and because hrt is not an option its mood swings, weight gain etc, its difficult but you have to weigh up and think I am still here and take every day as it comes. As I am writing this i am glowing and thinking help! I was prescribed SEROXAT at the menopause clinic but found that the side effects were pretty awful and came off them. Life does change and dont worry if you are having a bad day or week you have been through so much, stay strong
Take care