What the hell does 'hypoechoic' mean??


sorry to hear your news after all this time… im BRCA2 and had BC twice and waiting to get a follow ultra sound after a dodgy MRI.

if you dont have any nodes then hopefully that would mean that the new tumour can spread.

im sure they will be able to give you more results after the path report.

i had wle on both sides and if this new lump is another bc my surgeon is just gonna do anotehr WLE in the meantime and plans for me to have my elective mastecotomies at the end of the year as originally planned.

i hope your genetics team have had a good discussion with you about the implications of the brca1… theres a site called brcaumberella which is a support forum for brca carriers.

also the FORCE… facing our risk of cancer empowered which is for people with a family history of genetic breast and ovarian cancers.

Lulu x

Saw my surgeon today - having mastectomy and back flap recon next Thursday and they’ll do the other one in a couple of months. Am strangely calm, at least I know what’s going on and what to do about it now. Relieved in a way, like the choice has been taken away which is easier to deal with somehow.

Sorry to hear u are going through this again + so soon. Im another ‘youngie’ (32) diagnosed with tnbc in jan this year + have just finshed chemo (no rads coz had a mx). I’m Very nervous about recurrence given the stats + stories like yours. I’ve just had bloods taken for genetic testing but expecting to hear nothing for several months yet (no family history that I know of though). Sorry to read you have the brca1 mtation but at least now you can take preventative action in the future now you have the results. Best of luck for Thursday I will be thinking about you + looking out for your news
love tina x

Hello again, so the surgery was OK. Obviously it’s slightly weird having half your back stitched to your front but so far, what I can see is OK. I came home after 4 days so it wasn’t as bad as I thought and they can do really clever things these surgeons, I still can’t really work out what they’ve done. Am relieved the problem has gone, but also I’m a bit sad for my poor old boob. We went through a lot together :slight_smile: Going back for the histology results next week but everything’s looking good and I’m hoping it’s just a case of healing from this op, going back for the other side in September time, then that’s it. Have already told my surgeon that I am absolutely not having chemo again unless they tell me I definitely, definitely have to. Last time it was an ‘insurance policy’ as I was triple neg and therefore couldn’t have Tamoxifen/Herceptin, am not so keen to go through it all again ‘just in case’. Anyway just wanted to put a bit of a positive slant on things, it’s been a whirlwind few weeks and I know there will be lots of tears and some darker days to come but for the most part, it’s not so bad …