What to expect after reconstruction

I will be having my long-awaited reconstruction in early March. I will be having my tissue expander replaced by a new implant, and on the other side a breast reduction and lift - hopefully everything will be symmetrical and sort of similar looking. Also, my surgeon will be filling the gap at the top of the implant with my tummy fat, and using lipo for this. Maybe some off my thighs as well, which I can’t say I’m looking forward to. But I’m very grateful to the team that will perform these procedures, and can’t wait to see the result.

A few things that I’m not sure about, and haven’t had a chance to discuss with anyone, is how much pain post-surgery I should expect. Other things that I would like to ask, if anyone has any experiences to share - will I be able to sleep on my side? What happens with thigh and tummy lipo? Apparently if I have fat taken from my thighs I will need compression leggings. Does anyone know if you have to wear them immediately after surgery? I don’t want to buy them unless I need them. I’ve seen them online for £90, which seems a lot. I thought I would wait it out until after surgery.

Any advice, thoughts and experiences to share?

Many thanks in advance


I’m glad your surgery is finally coming up @Flowersandbees and hope that your recovery goes smoothly.

You may be interested in Helen’s story and advice for people considering reconstruction, we wrote a blog post about it here: My advice to anyone considering breast reconstruction | Breast Cancer Now

We also have a board dedicated to conversations about surgery on the forum that you may find useful to post on or search: Latest Going through breast cancer treatment/Surgery topics - Breast Cancer Now forum

Thinking of you,

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Thank you Lucy, that’s really helpful.
All the best

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