I found a lump… Doctor asked me to return in 2 weeks so he could check again… No change… Now he has referred me to hospital breast clinic… Appt is 3weeks… What should I expect at that appt.?? My cover letter doesn’t say anything,… How long I will be there what they do etc.???
Firstly, if the appointment is in 3 weeks, they don’t seem to suspect cancer, as they have to get you there within 2 weeks if they do.
At the clinic, they will most likely give you a mammogram and probably an ultrasound scan, so they can have a good look at the lump.
They may take a biopsy to check it out in more detail if there is cause for concern after those scans.
You could be there a couple of hours or so. If it is a one-stop clinic, in which they assess the scans and biopsies immediately, you could be there for 4 hours or so, because at the end of the session, they will give you the results instantly. Not all hospitals have this facility.
It is a frightening time, because you are left in limbo and don’t know what you have in your body, but this is the way to find out, and after that appointment, you will be told exactly what that lump is, and there are various possibilities, other than cancer.
And of course, in the worst case scenario, it will have been identified, and you would be in very safe hands, like the rest of us.
I’m sorry you have to wait 3 weeks to find out, but at least after that, you’ll know. Better that, than not to have gone to the doctor and carried on in ignorance. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you don’t worry too much. I still think that 3 week wait is very significant as a sign that the doctor doesn’t think it’s urgent.
Hi frightened79
Firstly welcome to the forums, it sounds like you’re having a pretty worrying time at the moment . As well as the explanation you have here you might find it useful to read the BCC publication on referral to a breast clinic, it has lots of information on what to expect. If you would like a copy or to read this on line just follow the link below:-
Also if you need extra support do give the BCC helpline a call on 0808 800 6000. Here you can share your feelings and concerns with someone who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. Lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 2pm.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator
Hi frightened,
my experience of the clinic was exactly as described in the leaflet you get on here. It’s great that they have referred you, most lumps turn out not to be bc. The day I attended I arrived at ten and I knew by 1.30 I had cancer.
But I was the last one to leave. Everyone else was tested and sent home. There were 12 of us there in the waiting room and we all got a lot of support.
the statistics say you do not have bc, but you should always get it checked so you have done the right thing. Don’t google things, there are so many different types of bc you will just freak your self out.
Post on here when things get too much for you.
take care