What to take to hospital

Dear All

I know i have read a thread about this but despite searching can’t find it. I have already had some good tips from Dilyis but wondered if anyone else had their top tips of hospital essentials. I am having a mastectomy and immediate recon 14th jan and last chemo 12th December, just want to get organised especially with Christmas looming.

Many thanks



Hi Lesley

I’ve not done the surgery yet either - but because I was poorly at the start of chemo I have a bag packed. Amongst my ‘kit’ i’ve includes wipes - to freshen up with, sachets of drinking chocolate, bottle of ribena and a ‘spare’ purse - with change for the trolley! Apparently button up pyjamas are more practical. I shall watch this thread though as I’ll be following you sometime in february!

ruth x

A photo of family/other half etc with blu-tak on the back so it can go up on your cabinet! And yes, button up pjs.

I have unfortunately in the last year had several friends requiring mastectomies for breast cancer. The most useful thing that I gave them as a present was a heart shaped microbead cushion. The cushion is light enough so as not to press on the scar and supports the arm away from the area. The heart shape works particularly well as the ears of the heart go under the arm with the point tailing away where its not needed. The cushion can also be used in the car to take the pressure of the seatbelt away. I bought mine on Ebay from a really helpful seller simpli-special for £5.25 plus £1.75 p&p. The breast care nurse was so impressed that she ordered some.

I made up a box of goodies with a present for each day in hospital to cheer the days along, with some personal to that individual. The popular ones were a vacuum jug for cold water. Relatives would take in ice each day and that was enough for cool water all day. A stress ball for exercising the affected arm. The rest were just light frivolous things.

I hope that this helps



I think the thread you were looking for was called New Pyjamas. I have brought it up for you.

if you are allowed it a phone is a good idea

also some sort of personal radio

I know that amny hospitals have these features but if the bed you are in has a maintenance issue then it´s no joke!